Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 200 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 200 days ago)
Why do you say that
So,from what i saw:
Reasons to add them:
1.More realistic
2.More management,posible strategy change
3.Better racing,if you are not interested only about where you finish and you like the good racing i am sure you will enjoy to see a final lap battle between everyone
Reasons to not add:
1.It can ruin your race if you are first 20s ahead and the sc comed out(we can say like verstappen hamilton battle in 2021 abu dhabi)
2.Your drivers can crash and you will lose everything
As i said earlier if you like a good racing in the game and you are not interested about the racing from the game,and how realistic is the game you will say no
And if your driver crashes you probably will rage quit,but if you like the game and you enjoy to play it you will stay online and watch the race,not leave the race just because your driver has crashed.
Ok,yes,for it we will need a good collisions/mistakes system,but i am sure it can be made.
And that will make it more realistic,ok,probably if they add it you will have boring races like monaco,because your driver doesn't have space to overtake,and you will stay behind someone from lap 1 to final lap
Tbh i think will be better if they will add collisions than how is now,like the cars are ghosted when they want to overtake,i am sure it's not that hard to make another racing line,like to overtake on inside line.Like we have in the f1 manager game,very realistic and still very good racing,ok probably i want to much from tge small team that igp has but i am sure they can add it if they want
1. More realistic doesn’t equal more entertaining. By way of example, when it was possible in a no refuelling league to complete a wet race without changing tyres managers complained stating this was boring and unrealistic even though it used to be the norm in F1 and even after compulsory pits were introduced you still have examples of no tyre changes finishes, e.g. Sala, Ocon.
2. It ruins strategy and management (most competent drivers know in advance what they are going to do and what average pl they will be running at). Unlike a rl race in a game this just adds a bingo element to the game.
3. Not sure I really understand you here if you don’t play to finish as far up the field as you can then the game becomes pointless. When VSC was active most incidents happened right in the later stages of the race, owing to mechanical breakdowns, giving anyone affected no time to react.
4. Based on last attempts I doubt it could be introduced in a way which wasn’t considered unrealistic bingo. If you want crashes they are plenty of arcade style racing games out there
5. It was incredibly unpopular last time and as a result of the adverse reaction was dropped pretty quickly. Of course many of those players have quit so it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that the majority now might like the idea, but I’m certain a lot of managers would start complaining once they see the consequences of it. The only way it would work would be if it was down to manager errors. i’m not sure how easy that would be to introduce without radically changing the way the game is played or coded?