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Engine Weakness

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medal 5363
159 days ago
Hi, just a general question please? I've had a couple players in my league who have their own L30 custom engine, ask why they can't select Reliability or Cooling as a Weakness. I'm thinking mayb it would be a too easier option as most players tend to disregard those attributes anyways and having a more meaningful negative effect for an Engine Weakness makes it a bit more challenging. Just wondered if there was an official reason for it if my guess isn't correct. Thanks for your time.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5019
159 days ago
I can’t find the original changelog that explains it, but this forum post had a reply from Jose explaining they aren’t available for balancing purposes
medal 5019
159 days ago
I can’t find the original changelog that explains it, but this forum post had a reply from Jose explaining they aren’t available for balancing purposes
medal 5363
159 days ago
Yes got it, that makes sense too. Thank you. 👍
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