Keiron Hodgson medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
I was just wondering where iGP gets its current weather conditions from?
I have just been looking at the next race for my league - Hungary - it says that it is currently a sunny 10 degrees Centigrade, however, online weather reports from multiple sources have the current temp at the Hungaroring as being either -5/-6 degrees centigrade?
I could understand if it was say 1 or 2 degrees out, but 15/16 degrees seems strange?
I only looked as I was thinking about tyre choice based on what the track temp would be like.
I might be over thinking it though....
any help or thoughts? cheers.
James Greer medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
It would be a case of canceling the race if it was frosty, it's dangerous enough sport, without adding black-ice into the mix.
So they have 10°C or 50°F set as lowest temp
James Greer medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
I guess maybe they could of searched the average summertime temps of countries and set it according to that, so the lowest temp would be different in each area, but it is what it is.
Keiron Hodgson medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
I guess setting it at 10/50 is an easy fix, rather than have to integrate multiple sources of temps etc, would end up having to code/develop a massive amount, for one small thing, that is easily fixed with the method given :)
James Greer medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
Not that messy, just means it's always summertime lows that are in use rather than dropping to 10/50 you would see to name a few that I just searched
Australia 14/57
Spain 21/70
Uk 12/54
Turkey 17/63
Hungary 16/61
Italy 19/66
Abu Dhabi 29/84
Keiron Hodgson medal 5000 8 years 39 days ago
If doing it that way, yes, I see your point. It would also give a more realistic temp for racing.
I B medal 5320 8 years 39 days ago
The weather feed used is from wunderground (unless it's been changed since the old game).