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Race Viewer

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medal 5000
7 years 327 days ago
I am playing on a mac desktop and until now have had no problems seeing live races but since we had the recent release of apps for other devices i am now get this message before anything loads ERROR: TypeError: Module.asm is not a function : URL blob:// : Line 2
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 327 days ago
Try clearing the cache in the browser, and performing a 'hard refresh' (which clears the cache for that page).

On Mac there are two ways to do this:
Hold ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.
Or, hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R.
medal 5000
7 years 326 days ago (edited 7 years 326 days ago)
best ways of doing that on Windows because I am getting that error as well
medal 5000
7 years 326 days ago
thanks for the help Jack but after repeating this many times the error message has gone but we still have a screen that will not load..everything has also been checked and updated if it needed it
medal 5006
7 years 326 days ago
I got this error message before my race finaly loaded, took a very long time to actually start. But hen it did the 4 boxes in the corners (chat, both driver details, race details) were oversized and changing the gui value(even after saving) did nothing.
medal 5000
7 years 326 days ago
After many attempts and updating everything i could then turning setting to lowest possible after missing a few races i have everything running again..Jack normally gives good advice so i would think the hard refreshes helped
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 326 days ago
best ways of doing that on Windows because I am getting that error as well

To hard refresh on windows it's CTRL+F5 refresh, or to clear cache it's usually CTRL+SHIFT+DEL and select cache and all time / everything. Either one of those should wipe any cached data you have and ensure you're on the latest version.

The GUI scaling issue is one we will be fixing in the first patch to the apps / web since app launch. We're trying to pack the update full of fixes rather than releasing lots of little ones at a time, due to the approval process and need for everyone to re-download the apps.
medal 5000
7 years 325 days ago
A 25Mb download each race? And each refresh? Which sometimes fails? It took more the half the race time to join tonight Jack........

This is really bad at the moment. I tried Firefox, Chrome, Edge. Only Firefox could eventually load the race viewer. Currently zero fun right now.
medal 4992
7 years 325 days ago

Before your race spectate another league race that is running. That should download the latest viewer and have you ready for a quicker load at race time.
medal 5006
7 years 325 days ago
Problem connecting, please re-load. Is all I'm getting today. Unable to get on at all, been trying for the last 20 mins, done refresh, a full system restart.
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 325 days ago
Sorry to hear that. Which race Colin? I'm having no trouble connecting to any race.
medal 5000
7 years 324 days ago
The saga of trying to load race continues loads the disconnects then sits in limbo I have tried for the last week or so to bring this to anyone attention but never a answer other than master refresh which is done now before each race. been with igp for 4 years and a subscriber and it has never been this bad. Slowly now loosing interest no fun and a waste of time trying to load viewer. It must be noted that there is a problem.
medal 5000
7 years 324 days ago
I dont understand it, by no means have I got a high fluting system, but I can be in two races at once and there is no issues. Trying using lower viewer quality.

High is just as good as Very High if not better because it has no blurred out areas of the track
Medium is just as good too but the track image isn't as good looking
medal 5736
7 years 324 days ago
"Error 3, retrying in 10 seconds", after hard resets and whatnot.
medal 5736
7 years 324 days ago
I got in with iOS race viewer, but it's not really "playable", would be a bit better if it did turn with the phone but only working in "upright" view.
medal 5000
7 years 324 days ago
i cant get into race's since our league ( MJL) restarted i have tried everythig written on here and nothing before the break i was able to attend but after that i can no longer attend which really sucks.
medal 5424 CEO & CTO
7 years 324 days ago
Really sorry for the viewer issues earlier tonight guys. It was due to this:

TLDR: We're growing too fast. :P
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