Vivek Nalluri medal 5000 7 years 326 days ago
Ive been running setup runs and after i finished, clicked on PRACTICE RESULTS and it dosent show anything.Please help.

Duc Anh medal 5000 7 years 326 days ago
Yeah I have same problem here.Please help

Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 7 years 326 days ago
This will take a couple of days to fix. Because it's only a minor issue we're going to prioritise the stability of the service over doing any more restarts on this server.
In a couple of days we'll be moving everything to a new server which won't have all the strange issues this one has had. It will surely have some of its own, but things we can understand at least. :P

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 326 days ago
As per the title, both my drivers have set practice times and because this is a popular league (The MJL) I know other managers will have set times. But if I review the times this is what I see...
<img src="https://z4uelg.dm2304.livefilestore.com/y4mNd5vvnTkAkthS0Iopie7zxlpknyrWTZiNatLlcftbMzzIeKe_o2g5QGDTvvi9usvY-eFrvNFw_IY0x4GRRfxy7eKR3p_WPD7Jb--WTKW02DHhKrFmRz9N-dwl8Q0sLtPzFJo69SXR2yyzGVcwLGEKdaTPe5d-Jv8MZ_nQWY0C9k-v9TMb0aWZFYLz4WiUcBi9oHwkEaIXaucMmDEY982kw?width=660&height=390&cropmode=none" width="660" height="390" />

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 326 days ago
It was the same here for me. Same league.

Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 7 years 326 days ago
Merged the threads on this. I gave a bit of a vague answer in post #3 so here's a more thorough one.
This issue is one of the quirks with the current server, which every time we restart it seems to throw a different surprise like this which remains consistent until the next restart. Oh, and it will only do it on some browsers or devices. E.g. I hear people saying this issue happens on their laptop, not on their phone. Meanwhile, for me it doesn't happen at all. It's completely random and has no logical pattern to when it does this, other than when it does it, whoever it does it to on whatever browser/platform, it remains consistent.
Rather than restarting this funky server again and risking this happening in more critical areas, we're going to leave it this way for the remaining few days that we use this server. This is isolated enough and unimportant enough that the world will keep turning without it for a few days.
We'll be switching to a new setup by the end of the week, if all the tests on it go well, and moving everything back to Linux. We're currently on Windows servers and we're not experienced enough with them to fully understand the strange things they are doing. So we're going to move back to Linux, which we're very familiar with, and which iGP ran on since 2011, before the updates.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 326 days ago
Thanks for the answer Jack. Good luck with the new setup.

Mauro Della Serra medal 5000 7 years 325 days ago
I can't see practice results, this problem persists since yesterday. tried to logout and login, but nothing
url immaginecertificity.com
Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 7 years 325 days ago
Merged threads again, see post #6.