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Race results

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medal 5000
7 years 299 days ago
Hi there! In the "Next race" tab I can see the record of the race and qualification but I've noticed that for two days I no longer see the informations about tyres compound used and the timing of each lap... It just show me the button to come back on race results. I don't know if it is a bug or whatever because my friend too is experiencing this trouble. I don't know how to attach a screenshot here otherwise I'd show you. I just see the arrival grid but I can't look the details for every pilot. Does anyone could help me??
medal 5088
7 years 299 days ago
It would be very helpful to provide screenshots.

To do this, upload to a website like imgur.
Take the direct link of the image and paste it here, after typing [img].
End the line with [/img], no space in between.

Example: [img]screenshot_link[/img]
medal 5000
7 years 299 days ago
I understand what you say. I have the same problem myself, maybe it is done. In the track record screen, before you can also see the pit stop if u clicking the lap time.
medal 5000
7 years 299 days ago
If it was a qualifying or race record set in the old version of iGP it wont show the data, none of the records/history where bought forward with the change over.

It may not be the case, I'm just making you aware.

medal 5000
7 years 299 days ago
Here an example
Brazil race results from 3rd June 2016 looks like this:

From what you are saying this is what you see when you click to see the data.
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
Sorry i posted same issue in another running thread

Edit#1 and this is happening for previous season race held on 17th April 2017
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
Yes James that's exactly what I'm talking about! I'm experiencing the same problem.
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
It's not a problem there is just nothing to see, once someone beats the times set in his version of the game, then we will be able to see the lap to lap data
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
hmmm 17th of april was that not the date they swapped servers?
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 297 days ago
A few million laps for old races were deleted recently to improve the health of the old server setup, which we've now moved away from. Well over 100 million laps have been completed just in the new version of iGP. We've since changed the setup a bit so it isn't necessary to prune it as much.

If they were for races that happened yesterday or something then I'll look into it. The older ones can be written off as probably deleted data.

My long-term plan is to work out a period after which lap-by-lap data is automatically wiped. A few months perhaps, or a couple of seasons worth per account.
medal 5000
7 years 297 days ago
Race & qualifying records, would it not save some space just having the times without the results? we dont really need to know what tyres they used or the number of laps they did. we only need to know the time to beat. Up to us to find a way to do it.
Pit two laps from the end and fit SS and use full boost on final lap
medal 5000
7 years 296 days ago
Alright thank you Jack for the explanation now it's clear! It were records of 2016
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