Ali El-morssy medal 5000 7 years 265 days ago
Temp is showing 37c but high is 41c and low 32c. What would be the ideal setup for this? Would it be HH 14/14 or could I get away with MH 11/17? Another possibility SMH 4/9/15?

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 264 days ago (edited 7 years 264 days ago)
Greg is right but I want to explain it a bit more. The trouble is any of those might work depending on exact temperature, car quality and what, or which one, everyone else is doing. A theoretically superior strategy can fail horribly if your cars run alone and enough others are running in a train giving each other DRS every lap for too long, or if the strategy makes your cars loosing too much time and/or KERS being stuck in a slower car train at the back of the field.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 264 days ago
The best strategy would be to browse other 50% leagues and look at their Bahrain iGP results to see what others have done. Looking at their lap times and tyres used can often be helpful and you might find one less lap or one more might be slightly better to run.

M.Mustafa Güler medal 5000 7 years 263 days ago
I'm in a %50 racing league for 5 seasons and I have not needed anytime to use Hard tyres because of speed and tyre consumption rating. You can use Medium tyres with looking to tyre temperature and you can increase and reduce attacking and defensive for arranging tyre temperature. Yesterday in Bahrein I used soft tyres because a bastard can go with a soft tyre along 11-12 tours and not take care under %50 used tyre performance and also soft tyre consumption is %7. Normally I can prefer M/M/S or M/M/SS with arranging Medium tyre tours.

Lorenzo Felici medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
I use often Hard Tires... i never use Medium...