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Improvements to be made

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medal 5000
7 years 227 days ago
This is a good game, but it feels very dated, and the race schedule that is used only goes to prove that. For starters, what the heck are Turkey and Valencia still doing on schedule? F1 hasn't been to either track in years. The schedule needs to be updated to the current F1 schedule.

Also, is it possible for drivers to crash out at all? Because I've yet to see that happen and it needs to. It feels way to unrealistic for drivers to never crash out of races.

Lastly, you have to really be strapped for parts and/or just not be paying attention to your part wear to have a mechanical failure. In reality, even brand new parts can fail suddenly and end a driver's race.
medal 5000
7 years 227 days ago
Crashes I agree! It could be added, but after Casual Races have been added. Means I can wrap my car around a tree and jump into another race right away.

Crashes could also bring driver injuries, decreasing attributes for a number of races. Driver has to be active in order for it to count down and recover from injury, I will not accept a reserve driver stepping in like he does in real life, while the injured guy recovers.
medal 5000
7 years 227 days ago
1. Proper weather station & live weather tracking (which old iGP had). I always stress this. I love rain & changeable weather races which is probably why I always stress this.
2. More convenient browsing - from searching drivers, staff, teams, etc., to looking at past results and data from any league, again which the old iGP had.
3. Fixing bugs.

I always thought that drivers crashing would be interesting. Perhaps higher push level, lower composure/focus stat = higher crash chance. Then again, perhaps this game doesn't have driver accidents in order to reduce unpredictability and hence some rage-y managers as a result, but it's one of those features that could differ from each league according to the host's choice. Leagues with driver crashes vs. leagues which don't have them. It'd be nice to have a hall of fame for number of crashes to crown iGP's very own Maldonado or de Cesaris.

As for mechanical failures, I'd hope for the reliability car design stat to have some influence on that in the future, actually. Could spice things up.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
Crashes would be awesome.. Racing as far as car failure and crashes is not predictable and to not have them in the game for predictibilry is nonsense. I like simulation and real life.. So for me to wait a day and have a car crash out would make the game better as it is realistic.. Maybe to add some predictability have it happen as certain things happen.. Like say you run tires too long.. Or dry tires on wet track or a tired driver raises the probability or racing too hard or on and on...
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
I have been against this, but the more people we get playing this game the more they want "realism".
As the game is right now, I don't want crashes and random failures. HOWEVER, if we were given a chance to influence how they happened, I would be in favor. If durability of your parts affected the chance for failure I'm for adding it to the game.
As for crashes, I can see concentration playing a part, but we also need strategies or driver traits. Something along the lines of "safe driver" or "timid" are are more likely to avoid issue in front of them. "Sixth sense" to avoid something right in front or next to them. Finally, "first turn hero" or "first lap hero" who takes big risks at those times (danger of incident offset by combo of concentration and talent and experience).
To be honest if I was taken out a few times by that type of driving I would be screaming to have that driver booted from the league.
medal 5105
7 years 226 days ago
I think it would be nice to have crashes but I think that should only be a very rare occurrence, and better would be spins and failures of the car. Car failures could be affected by Push-Level, car Reliability and car Cooling, with spins being affected by Talent, Focus and Pressure (I'm assuming this is a hidden 'stat' that a driver has in a race because when reading the Composure tool-tip it mentions Pressure). This brings the mental abilities into play a bit more as well as Reliability and Cooling. The weather would also play a part, such as using dry tires in wet races.
On top of crashes/spins, I think punctures should have an increasing chance of happening for every percentage of tyre wear less than 20%.

I would also change the weather system completely, I think relying on real life weather is a novelty and not much more. A race that starts at 10pm GMT will never have realistic temperatures for European races because it is like having an evening race every time. Plus it is massively affected by the time of year which again isn't realistic.
medal 5088
7 years 226 days ago
I have been against this, but the more people we get playing this game the more they want "realism".
As the game is right now, I don't want crashes and random failures. HOWEVER, if we were given a chance to influence how they happened, I would be in favor. If durability of your parts affected the chance for failure I'm for adding it to the game.
As for crashes, I can see concentration playing a part, but we also need strategies or driver traits. Something along the lines of "safe driver" or "timid" are are more likely to avoid issue in front of them. "Sixth sense" to avoid something right in front or next to them. Finally, "first turn hero" or "first lap hero" who takes big risks at those times (danger of incident offset by combo of concentration and talent and experience).
To be honest if I was taken out a few times by that type of driving I would be screaming to have that driver booted from the league.

Rather than booting the driver, implement penalty points on their Super license, grid penalties, pit lane start :P (u mad yet?)
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
More realistic, more realistic, more realistic.
Is what I'm seeing, but looking at race results I see SS galore.
Wheres the old style tyres for the track list with the option & prime tyres that would equal more realistic
I use my own tyres too, that's why I was asking if there is a league that uses the old tyres.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
Having random events happen in peer to peer racing is simply impossible to implement fairly. In a single player game like Motorsport Manager seemingly random events can be included because the outcome of the races is programmed in from the start. With that there is no one to complain to because all the other drivers are just bots. There is just one player and he accepts those events as a part of the game so there are no complaints. Peer to peer has to be fair to every player.

Lets say the leader of a race encounters a backmarker with poor reliability stats that spins and and slows him down causing him to lose the race. In reality that is a possibility. But in a game the leader is punished for someone else's mistake. That is not fair. This is a game and it has to be played no differently than a card game or Chess. That is, there must be set rules so that the player with more skill and experience is rewarded. Any random event that changed the outcome of a championship season would be justifiably condemned and hated by all.
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 226 days ago
Amazing words @Dee, I totally agree with you!
medal 5088
7 years 226 days ago
Gotta hand it to Dee, I don't think I could have said it as smooth as that.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
Having random events happen in peer to peer racing is simply impossible to implement fairly. In a single player game like Motorsport Manager seemingly random events can be included because the outcome of the races is programmed in from the start. With that there is no one to complain to because all the other drivers are just bots. There is just one player and he accepts those events as a part of the game so there are no complaints. Peer to peer has to be fair to every player.

Lets say the leader of a race encounters a backmarker with poor reliability stats that spins and and slows him down causing him to lose the race. In reality that is a possibility. But in a game the leader is punished for someone else's mistake. That is not fair. This is a game and it has to be played no differently than a card game or Chess. That is, there must be set rules so that the player with more skill and experience is rewarded. Any random event that changed the outcome of a championship season would be justifiably condemned and hated by all.

I disagree. Not having those events makes the game a bit boring at times, since you usually know what to expect.

And rarely, if ever, about 1 time out of 100 would such an event like the one you described would be the sole reason why a driver lost a championship. In real life racing, more often than not the best drivers and teams end up on top regardless of such events. It's a part of racing that happens to all teams from time to time and if people can't handle that, then why are they playing racing games?

I will say this though, these events shouldn't be completely random. They should be infuenced by the ratings of both the car and the driver. What those thresholds should be, I don't know, but they should vary by class as rookie class shouldn't be on the same thresholds as pro or elite class.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
There are other online motorsport manager games which I won't name here that have car crashes, damages due to crashes which may require you to pit for repairs, retirements due to crashes, and so on. They do not necessarily have a live race management function however.

Whether iGP wants to incorporate features like that is ultimately up to the devs. Though in the event they do so, since different players here have different opinions on it, it could help to have options for each league to enable or disable crashes/damage, etc.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
There is no point in arguing over random events as they are already in play.

Pit stop mistakes
Pit stop effectiveness
DRS from backmarkers
Getting held up with backmarkers

Reliability is a key part of the cars design, it reduces the cars part rates during the race. Having it at a very low rating would have and should have a big chance of a car suffering a failure. It's dulled down so that people don't have issues. It could be very easily be juiced up so that it has more of an impact in the race.

Braking also needs to have more input on the races. "Random" driver lockups, not only takes life out of the tyres but also adds heat in the tyre, forcing you to back off to get the tyre back to optimal temp.
medal 5000
7 years 223 days ago
Greg, I looked at your record for the account you posted with here. I don't know if you have other accounts but assuming you are new I get why you may find it boring. I don't think the app store gives a good description of the true nature of IGP. This game is all about live management of the race with other players from all over the world. There is a great advantage to attending the races and managing your cars live against other players who are also attending. Thus the primary charm and appeal of IGP is social. The leagues you have raced in have no chat or comments on the league page. That means that the other players are not truly engaged in the game.

I know it must be hard because there so many leagues but search for a league where the league page has plenty of current chatter. Spend some time spectating during the hours that you have available to attend races and take note of the leagues with four or more players attending in the chat box. In the forum league section look for active leagues that are recruiting. IGP is about playing and interacting with other real people. I don't think you will be bored if you join that kind of league.
medal 5000
7 years 222 days ago
Having random events happen in peer to peer racing is simply impossible to implement fairly. In a single player game like Motorsport Manager seemingly random events can be included because the outcome of the races is programmed in from the start. With that there is no one to complain to because all the other drivers are just bots. There is just one player and he accepts those events as a part of the game so there are no complaints. Peer to peer has to be fair to every player.

Lets say the leader of a race encounters a backmarker with poor reliability stats that spins and and slows him down causing him to lose the race. In reality that is a possibility. But in a game the leader is punished for someone else's mistake. That is not fair. This is a game and it has to be played no differently than a card game or Chess. That is, there must be set rules so that the player with more skill and experience is rewarded. Any random event that changed the outcome of a championship season would be justifiably condemned and hated by all.

But thats isnt fair so why does a game have to be fair
medal 5000
7 years 222 days ago
It doesn't have to be fair. But with a game that's too much randomness I don't want to sink that much time in it. Then I'd rather have it rolling some dices, check the results against the teams stats tables and be done with the race in a minute.
medal 5000
7 years 222 days ago
I have suggested before that there should be end of season prizes in the team champs - i would rather that over crashes as i think for crash scenarios to be effectively understood by the casual gamer would probably require a serious reboot of the entire GUI and that's not likely given that its just been entirely upgraded.

Parts failures already occur, just they only occur when you haven't repaired your car for bloody ages, so perhaps there could be some tweaks there.

So, definitely end of season prizes (perhaps small game-money prizes for the top 10 teams in each 16 team league. That way it keeps managers interested towards the end of the season if they have nothing else to race for i.e. they are not going to win the champs.
medal 5000
7 years 221 days ago
I have suggested before that there should be end of season prizes in the team champs - i would rather that over crashes as i think for crash scenarios to be effectively understood by the casual gamer would probably require a serious reboot of the entire GUI and that's not likely given that its just been entirely upgraded.

Parts failures already occur, just they only occur when you haven't repaired your car for bloody ages, so perhaps there could be some tweaks there.

So, definitely end of season prizes (perhaps small game-money prizes for the top 10 teams in each 16 team league. That way it keeps managers interested towards the end of the season if they have nothing else to race for i.e. they are not going to win the champs.

Agree with Nathan there.
medal 5000
7 years 220 days ago (edited 7 years 220 days ago)
The issue with part failures now is because they only happen to inactive managers or people who've run out of parts, it makes stats like reliability and cooling redundant.

I'm not sure how driver mistakes work, but if driver stats like composure and focus don't contribute much as well, whether we have accidents/crashes or not, then I do think some review over the relevance of certain stats needs to be done.

I also argue that tyre economy doesn't seem to work at the moment as well. Fuel economy does, however. Rather than worrying about the game being random, my impression of the new iGP has always been that it's really watered down, esp. regarding team or pre-race management, with certain stats or features you don't really know what they're there for. As it is now the only fun I have with iGP is in the live race management with competitive managers, the strats and tactics and racing, even though it's missing things like crashes, safety cars, flags, etc. especially those players who go into a game like this looking for those features. Still, those looking for a management game beyond the live management may find those aspects lacking.

It's how to put it... a bit simplistic and frankly un-challenging at the moment, though quite a number of people struggle with finances now, especially those who overspend. I think the randomness argument is a bit strawmanned, since I think the main concern is regarding features that could make for a more wholesome gameplay experience.

If things like driver mistakes or crashes were to be incorporated, it should as Greg said be in part due to factors that the player can influence, whether it's stats, push level, tactics, and so on. I think dismissing suggestions of features like this as simply promoting randomness is ultimately lazy thinking, especially if it's by the relevant devs.
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