Donato Patrissi medal 5000 6 years 171 days ago
I have 20 spare parts.
Level 12.
10 or 12 spare parts a day cor 2 cars.
Thank you.
Manuel Vizuete Tabla medal 5000 6 years 171 days ago
A mi solo me quedan 2 piezas
Zak Brown medal 5000 6 years 170 days ago
Please, I have only 14 parts!
Toto Wolff medal 5000 6 years 170 days ago
Hi I only have 3 parts left on my account and I need 6 per race per driver
Paolo Di Giovanni medal 5000 6 years 170 days ago
Hi! Still can't watch ads.
I have 73 parts remaining.
Thank you.
Miles Price medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
5-1 account
6- England
7- loading circle
8 - 0 parts
Leo Lopez medal 5041 6 years 169 days ago
Hi, I can't watch ads. I have 10 parts remaining. Please, I need more parts.
Max Power medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
I have 69 parts left and they are fast running out
Whitebsoul Whitebsoul medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Hi, I can't watch ads.
I have five parts remaining. Please, I need more parts.
Thank you.
Zak Brown medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Hy, this is third request. I have 16 parts and I can't see videos. I have to spend my tokens?
Júnior Vixx medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Eu tenho apenas 4 partes de peças. Gasto muitas vezes moedas pra compra pois nas propagandas não consigo assistir.
Samuela Ferrara medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Hi, I can't watch ads and I have only 21 parts, please help me I need more parts!
Rafael Oliveira medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Bom dia! Eu terminei a corrida de ontem com somente 2 peças.
Blazej Kuzniar medal 5000 6 years 169 days ago
Hi. I can't watch ad's :(
Marco Savini medal 5000 6 years 168 days ago
Non riesco a guardare i video... Sono a corto di ricambi e riesco a riparare solamente una macchina...
I have 1 part And ads no work anymore.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5411 6 years 168 days ago
Hi all, sorry for the delay!
All of the latest requests have been fulfilled.
If you did not get parts, then you did not meet the following conditions:
- You are posting from an account that has more than 75 parts
- You are posting from an account that is level 1
- Your request did not follow the original instructions in the original post of this thread
Anybody who has purchased parts with tokens while waiting to receive parts has already been sent tokens. If you do not see them, then you have used the tokens for something else already. Please be aware of how many tokens you have at all times.
Dritan Nikci medal 5000 6 years 168 days ago
sono 2 dritan nikci con steso mio e altro...Dritan Nikci McLaren Racing Limited...liga e Igp8 Manager Italia
Łukasz Lewczuk medal 5000 6 years 168 days ago
witam . mam mało częsci , od miesiąca nie moge glądać reklam . Przez co mój zepół przechodzi kryzys . Prosze o darmowe części i naprawę tego