Cleber Brito medal 5000 6 years 243 days ago
Some weeks pazsed since I cannot have spare parts. Now I have 6 parts and I cannot see videos.
I restored program, phone, cache, everything...
Please to solve the question

Mario Theissen medal 5000 6 years 243 days ago
Witam posiadam 8 części i z tego powodu nie mogę regularnie punktować i często mi nie działają reklamy

Martin H medal 5000 6 years 243 days ago
hi im having problems with my free parts
1 yes
2 yes
3 android
4 yes
5 one account
6 england
7 loading circle first time
8 0 parts

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 242 days ago
The latest requests are fulfilled :)
Dritan, please post with the account that needs parts.

Rafael Oliveira medal 5000 6 years 242 days ago
Good morning, do you could send me parts? With the high consumption during the season, and the difficulty in loading the videos has been difficult to maintain the team.

Takeshi Nakazato medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago
Hi, my manufacturing is on the highest possible level, 13, but i need 10 parts per car to fix? How can this be

Nightraven Shade medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago (edited 6 years 241 days ago)
I have 0 parts after repairing my cars and can't watch ads or get parts i usually play on my laptop. Race daily so parts are a big issue and why a lot of people become inactive
Team: NRShade Auto Racing

Shūhei Nakamoto medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago
I also have a problem with spare parts...

German Force medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago
TTenho somente 12 parts

Albert Tołoczko medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago (edited 6 years 240 days ago)
Hello. I cant watch ads for 3 weeks. Button is unclickable. .. :( I need parts, thank you
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. No
6. Poland
7. Loading. Unclickable
8. 3 per race and 10 from ads

Markoo Sarmiento medal 5000 6 years 241 days ago
1. Sí
2. Sí
3. Android
4. Borrado
5. 1 cuenta
6. Reino Unido
7. Avanza en tres puntos y no procede al anuncio, cuando regresa después de borrar el caché vuelve a los tres puntos y trata de procesar.
8. Ninguno
Esto ha estado ocurriendo ahora por una semana y he tenido que gastar monedas en partes solo para que mi carrera de autos sea digna. Sí me pueden dejar algunas piezas / monedas gastadas como después de la carrera de hoy estaré en el mismo bote.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 6 years 240 days ago
Latest requests have been fulfilled. :)

Mattia Toselli medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
Hi, I have only 68 parts and can't watch ads, thanks.

Hubert Lew medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
I still cant watch ads. The button is loading and nothing happenes. I have this problem since my last request - few weeks.

Leian Porf medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
boa tarde, tenho problema com peças do carro meu celular é da Microsoft nao consigo instalar o jogo chega no final da corrida o carro quebra poderiam me ajudar com peças? Obrigado

Fino Scirè medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
I also have some problems for having free spare parts
I was left with only 34 parts and I can not take it with the videos.
Fino scire'
Team fino 2018
Igp championship season 15

João Antonio Tavares medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
Hi, i have 4 parts after the race. I can't see videos in my iPhone too...please fix it. Thanks

Leandro Guedes medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
Hello, I still cant watch ads. The button is loading and nothing happenes. tks!

Janusz Janusz medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
can't watching ads from few weeks, please fix it

Luciano Bessoni medal 5000 6 years 240 days ago
Estou tentando assistir vídeos, ter peças e não consigo assistir.
o que fazer?