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iGP World Cup 2024 > Semi-final !

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medal 5046
2 years 335 days ago (Last edited by Mr Macey 2 years 335 days ago)
Removed my answer because Leo threatened to spank me.
medal 5000
2 years 335 days ago
Victor Manuel liranzo
República Dominicana 
medal 5000
2 years 334 days ago
medal 5159
2 years 331 days ago
Vinicio Paulino / Dominican Repúblic
medal 5000
2 years 331 days ago

Vinicio Paulino / Dominican Repúblic

Hola, este año las inscripciones se hacen a través del enlace "google form" que está en el foro. Su registro actual no es válido
medal 5000
2 years 330 days ago
?? perreada quiere participar
medal 5000
2 years 330 days ago
Hi guys,

Here is a first look at the players currently registered for the second edition of the IGP World Cup. For those who are not yet registered, you have until the end of the month (April 30)

medal 5684
2 years 325 days ago
Yousuf Azadzoi

United States
medal 5000
2 years 325 days ago

Yousuf Azadzoi

United States

Hello, you need to register with the Google form link please

It's unnecessary to write your name and country here this year
medal 5684
2 years 325 days ago


Yousuf Azadzoi

United States

Hello, you need to register with the Google form link please

It's unnecessary to write your name and country here this year

Whoops, will do. Thanks
medal 5000
2 years 319 days ago
?? Hello everyone, you still have 3 days to register (until April 30th).
More information about this competition will be communicated to you next Sunday.
?? Hola a todos, aún quedan 3 días para inscribirse (hasta el 30 de abril).
El próximo domingo se comunicará más información sobre este concurso.
?? Olá a todos, ainda faltam 3 dias para o registo (até 30 de Abril).
Mais informações sobre este concurso ser-lhe-ão comunicadas no próximo domingo.
?? Hallo zusammen, Sie haben noch drei Tage Zeit, um sich anzumelden (bis zum 30. April).
Weitere Informationen zu diesem Wettbewerb erhalten Sie nächsten Sonntag.
medal 5000
2 years 315 days ago
??  Hello everyone, the final teams for the iGP World Cup and the final schedule are available on ?important . Each country will have one or two teams composed of 6 players and 4 substitutes. Spain, United Kingdom and Germany will have 2 teams. The competition will take place in 3 parts (qualification, group phase, final phase) and will start on May 13th. The draw for the European groups will be made soon. For more information I invite you to reread the rules on ?forum-league  and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask on ❓questions

??  Hola a todos, los equipos definitivos de la Copa del Mundo iGP y el calendario final están disponibles en ?important . Cada país tendrá uno o dos equipos compuestos por 6 jugadores y 4 suplentes. España, Reino Unido y Alemania tendrán 2 equipos. La competición se desarrollará en 3 partes (clasificación, fase de grupos, fase final) y comenzará el 13 de mayo. El sorteo de los grupos europeos se realizará en breve. Para más información te invito a leer las normas en el ?forum-league  y si tienes alguna pregunta no dudes en hacerla en ❓questions .
??  Olá a todos, as equipas finais do Campeonato do Mundo iGP e o calendário final estão disponíveis em ?important . Cada país terá uma ou duas equipas compostas por 6 jogadores e 4 suplentes. A Espanha, Reino Unido e Alemanha terão 2 equipas. O concurso terá lugar em 3 partes (qualificação, fase de grupo, fase final) e terá início no dia 13 de Maio. O sorteio para os grupos europeus será feito em breve. Para mais informações, convido-o a ler as regras do ?forum-league  e, se tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em colocá-las em ❓questions

??  Hallo zusammen, die endgültigen Teams für den iGP World Cup sowie der endgültige Spielplan sind auf ?important  verfügbar. Jedes Land wird eine oder zwei Mannschaften haben, die aus 6 Spielern und 4 Ersatzspielern bestehen. Spanien, das Vereinigte Königreich und Deutschland werden zwei Teams haben. Der Wettbewerb wird in drei Teilen ausgetragen (Qualifikation, Gruppenphase, Finalrunde) und beginnt am 13. Mai. Die Auslosung der europäischen Gruppen wird in Kürze stattfinden. Für weitere Informationen können Sie die Regeln auf ?forum-league  nachlesen und falls Sie Fragen haben, können Sie diese unter ❓questions  stellen

Schedule and teams available on page 1

We have discord
medal 5136
2 years 314 days ago
Hi. When/why did the deadline date change for entry? Rules doc on Google docs entry page ( ) was saying (and still says!) 1200 GMT on 8th May and having just submitted and entry, I see that it actually closed 30th April and teams all sorted. Probably wouldn't have made it anyway but held off to make sure I had a free account to use and now seen I've missed it ?
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago

Hi. When/why did the deadline date change for entry? Rules doc on Google docs entry page ( ) was saying (and still says!) 1200 GMT on 8th May and having just submitted and entry, I see that it actually closed 30th April and teams all sorted. Probably wouldn't have made it anyway but held off to make sure I had a free account to use and now seen I've missed it ?

Hello Harry, If you want to participate you can dm me no problem
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago
Alan Rabello/ Brasil 
medal 5000
2 years 309 days ago
??  Hello everyone, as you know the qualifications for some countries starts on May 13.
I inform you that the leagues will be open 72 hours (3 days) before your first race and will close 24 hours before the first race to avoid any problem. You will have 2 days to join a league. The link of the leagues will be communicated on discord and the forum soon.

??  Hola a todos, como sabéis la clasificación para algunos países comienza el 13 de mayo.
Les informo que las ligas se abrirán 72 horas (3 días) antes de su primera carrera y se cerrarán 24 horas antes de la primera carrera para evitar cualquier problema. Tendrás 2 días para unirte a una liga. El enlace de las ligas se comunicará en discordia y en el foro próximamente.

?? Olá a todos, pois sabem que a qualificação para alguns países começa no dia 13 de Maio.
Informo-vos que as ligas abrirão 72 horas (3 dias) antes da vossa primeira corrida e fecharão 24 horas antes da primeira corrida para evitar qualquer problema. Terá 2 dias para se juntar a um campeonato. A ligação das ligas será comunicada em discordância e o fórum em breve.

??  Hallo zusammen, wie Sie wissen, beginnt die Qualifikation für einige Länder am 13. Mai.
Ich möchte Sie darüber informieren, dass die Ligen 72 Stunden (3 Tage) vor Ihrem ersten Rennen geöffnet werden und 24 Stunden vor dem ersten Rennen geschlossen werden, um Probleme zu vermeiden. Sie haben also zwei Tage Zeit, um einer Liga beizutreten. Die Links zu den Ligen werden in Kürze auf Discord und im Forum bekannt gegeben.
medal 5000
2 years 307 days ago (Last edited by Leo Hackins 2 years 307 days ago)
Team Name
??  You must change your team name to: country initials + name on igp manager (example FR Leo Hackins)
??  Debes cambiar el nombre de tu equipo por: iniciales del país + nombre en el gestor de igp (ejemplo FR Leo Hackins)
??  Deve mudar o nome da sua equipa para: iniciais do país + nome no gestor do igp (exemplo FR Leo Hackins)
??  Sie müssen Ihren Teamnamen ändern in: Initialen des Landes + Name auf igp manager (Beispiel FR Leo Hackins)

Country Initials
North America > NA
South America > SA
Brasil    > BR
Central America  > CA
India    > IN
Indonesia  > ID
East Asia  > EA
Switzerland    > CH
Turkey    > TR
Rest of world > ROW
France    > FR
Germany > DE
Hungary > HU
Italy > IT
East Europe    > EE
Poland    > PL
Portugal    > PT
Spain > ES
United Kingdom > UK

??  Good evening to all, for those who have their qualification starting May 13 you can join tomorrow at 20:00 GMT the league indicated on the calendar. League link on page 1.
medal 5000
2 years 305 days ago
flag_gb Hello, you have 1 day left to join your league for the qualification. UK league A, Spain league C, Germany league B and France league D. Link page 1
flag_es Hola, te queda 1 día para unirte a tu liga para la clasificación. Reino Unido liga A, España liga C, Alemania liga B y Francia liga D. Link page 1
flag_fr Bonjour, il vous reste 1 jour pour rejoindre votre ligue pour la qualification. Royaume-Uni ligue A, Espagne ligue C, Allemagne ligue B et France ligue D
flag_de Hallo, Sie haben noch einen Tag Zeit, um sich Ihrer Liga für die Qualifikation anzuschließen. Vereinigtes Königreich Liga A, Spanien Liga C, Deutschland Liga B und Frankreich Liga D
medal 5000
2 years 301 days ago
flag_gb Hello, you have 1 day left to join your league for the qualification. Brazil  league H, Italy league I and Portugal league J (link page 1)
flag_it Salve, avete ancora 1 giorno per iscrivervi alla vostra lega per le qualificazioni. Brasile lega H, Italia lega I e Portogallo lega J
flag_pt Olá, resta-lhe 1 dia para se juntar ao seu campeonato para a qualificação. Liga H do Brasil, Liga I da Itália e Liga J de Portugal

Message 2/2
flag_gb People from North America (league A) , Central America (league C) , South America (league B) , Hungary (league E), Poland (league D), East Asia (league F) and Indonesia (league G) can join their qualification league now too. Link in page 1
flag_es Los jugardores de América del Norte (liga A) , América Central (liga C) , América del Sur (liga B) , Hungría (liga E), Polonia (liga D), Asia Oriental (liga F) e Indonesia (liga G) pueden unirse ahora también a su liga de clasificación.
medal 5000
2 years 301 days ago
flag_gb Hello, you have 1 day left to join your league for the qualification. Brazil  league H, Italy league I and Portugal league J (link page 1)
flag_it Salve, avete ancora 1 giorno per iscrivervi alla vostra lega per le qualificazioni. Brasile lega H, Italia lega I e Portogallo lega J
flag_pt Olá, resta-lhe 1 dia para se juntar ao seu campeonato para a qualificação. Liga H do Brasil, Liga I da Itália e Liga J de Portugal

Message 2/2
flag_gb People from North America (league A) , Central America (league C) , South America (league B) , Hungary (league E), Poland (league D), East Asia (league F) and Indonesia (league G) can join their qualification league now too. Link in page 1
flag_es Los jugardores de América del Norte (liga A) , América Central (liga C) , América del Sur (liga B) , Hungría (liga E), Polonia (liga D), Asia Oriental (liga F) e Indonesia (liga G) pueden unirse ahora también a su liga de clasificación.

Hi Leo, I click on the link to join League F but it brings up League H.

Found it in the link for League I.
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