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iGP World Cup 2024 > Semi-final !

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medal 5000
2 years 300 days ago
I missed it didnt i ?
medal 5335
2 years 296 days ago
It was a good experience but never again, thanks.
My team lost all the points and development and will be fail back to pro tier as a defending champion ? I never been mentioned that I'll lose all the points from that season. So to attend here was the big bug mistake.
It will take 3-4 seasons (about a year) to catch up. 
medal 5000
2 years 295 days ago
Nice one! 
medal 5000
2 years 295 days ago
Calendar and list of qualified players are available in page 1

??  All player (titulars ones) qualified can join their league now
??  Todos los jugadores (titulares) calificados pueden unirse a su liga ahora
??  Todos os jogadores (titulares) qualificados podem agora juntar-se ao seu campeonato
??  Alle Spieler, die sich qualifiziert haben, können jetzt ihrer Liga beitreten.
League A > @North America @Central America @?? Brazil @South America
League B > @?? Italy  @?? United Kingdom 2  @East Europe  @Rest of World
League C > @?? United Kingdom 1  @?? Spain2 @Switzerland
League D > @?? Germany1  @?? Spain1  @?? Portugal1
League E > @?? France @?? Hungary  @?? Germany2 @?? Portugal2
League F > @Indonesia @East Asia @India
medal 5000
2 years 293 days ago

Race 1-Ligue B: Italy vs United Kingdom 2 vs East Europe vs Rest Of World:
Race 2: Ligue C: United Kingdom 1 vs Switzerland vs Spain 2:
medal 5000
2 years 288 days ago
flag_gb Hello everyone, tonight at 18:00 GMT will take place the draw for the final stage. It will be broadcast on YouTube. We are expecting many of you, especially the Spanish guys. .
flag_es Hola a todos, esta noche a las 18:00 GMT tendrá lugar el sorteo de la final. Se emitirá en YouTube. Esperamos mucho de ustedes, especialmente de los españoles.
flag_pt Olá a todos, esta noite às 18:00 GMT o sorteio para as finais terá lugar. Será transmitido no YouTube. Esperamos muito de vós, especialmente dos espanhóis.
flag_de Hallo zusammen, heute Abend um 18:00 GMT findet die Auslosung für die Endrunde statt. Sie wird auf YouTube übertragen. Wir erwarten viele von euch, vor allem die Spanier.
medal 5000
2 years 287 days ago

flag_gb Hello, all team qualified can join their league for the final stage Top 18 ! #?important 
flag_es ¡Hola, todos los equipos #?important clasificados pueden unirse a su liga para la fase final Top 18 ! 
flag_pt Olá, todas as equipas qualificadas podem juntar-se à sua liga para a fase final do Top 18! #?important 
flag_de Hallo, alle Teams, die sich qualifiziert haben, können in ihrer Liga an der Endrunde Top 18 teilnehmen! #?important 
League G > @?? United Kingdom 1 vs @?? Germany 2 vs @?? Spain 1
League J > @Indonesia vs @?? Germany 1 vs @Central America 
League L* > @?? Brazil vs @East Asia vs @East Europe 
League N* > @?? France vs @North America vs @Rest of World 
League E > @?? Portugal 1 vs @?? Spain 2 vs @?? Hungary 
League M* > @?? Italy vs @?? United Kingdom 2 vs @?? Portugal 2
medal 5000
2 years 286 days ago
Reminder for the final stage

Little recap of the rules : There will be one of the three races that will be without refuelling (Leagues L,M,N) and the 2 others with refuelling (Leagues D to J). The race with no refuelling (NR) will be always placed at begining or end of the phase so you have only to change league once, we'll tell you individually when to leave and to join. 

Concerning the 2-tyres rule, the rule is maintained like group phase 

Concerning the allocation of qualification tyres, you have a total of 6 SS 6 S and 6 M/H at your disposal for each phase of final phase & for ALL your team. If you use too much SS or S, it'll be 100 penalty points per tyre overconsumed. If you use too much M because guys in your team forgot the strategy (and didn't play the race after), it'll be 10 penalty points. If all players plays and you use too much M or H, it'll be 50 penalty points. 

You don't have the right to use 3 times the same tyre in qualifying even if the country don't exceed the limit of allocated tyres. 
If you want any clarification about this point, don't hesitate to ask me.
medal 5000
2 years 282 days ago

medal 5000
2 years 279 days ago

medal 5000
2 years 279 days ago

?? Good morning everyone, first of all I would like to thank all those for whom the adventure ends here. I hope that you enjoyed playing here and we'll see you next year. For the others who managed to qualify, you can join your league for the final stage Top 9  ! ?important
?? Buenos días a todos, en primer lugar me gustaría dar las gracias a todos aquellos para los que la aventura termina aquí. Espero que hayáis disfrutado jugando aquí y nos vemos el año que viene. ¡Para los demás que lograron clasificarse, pueden unirse a su liga para la etapa final Top 9 !  ?important
?? Bom dia a todos, antes de mais nada gostaria de agradecer a todos aqueles para quem a aventura aqui termina. Espero que tenham gostado de jogar aqui e vejo-vos no próximo ano. Para os outros que conseguiram qualificar-se, podem juntar-se à vossa liga para a fase final do Top 9! ?important
??  Guten Morgen zusammen, zunächst einmal möchte ich mich bei all denen bedanken, für die das Abenteuer hier endet. Ich hoffe, es hat euch Spaß gemacht, hier zu spielen und wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr wieder. Für die anderen, die es geschafft haben, sich zu qualifizieren, könnt ihr euch in eurer Liga für die Endrunde Top 9 anmelden!?important
League D > @?? United Kingdom 1 vs @?? Germany 1 vs @?? Italy
League E >  @East Asia vs @?? France vs @?? Spain 2
League F > @?? Portugal 1 vs @?? United Kingdom 2 vs @Indonesia
medal 5000
2 years 271 days ago

??  Hello to all, congratulations first of all to our 3 finalists (@?? United Kingdom 1, @?? France  and @?? Portugal 1)  as well as to all the other eliminated nations but which will not have deserved.
It's now time for the final! The 3 best nations will compete during 3 races to win the world cup. The players who are part of these 3 teams can now join the league D. ?important
??  Hola a todos, felicidades a nuestros 3 finalistas y a todas las demás naciones que fueron eliminadas pero que no perdieron.
Ahora es el momento de la final. Las 3 mejores naciones competirán durante 3 carreras para ganar la copa del mundo. Los jugadores de estos 3 equipos ya pueden incorporarse a la Liga D. ?important
??  Olá a todos, parabéns aos nossos 3 finalistas e a todas as outras nações que foram eliminadas mas que não ficaram a perder.
Chegou a hora da final! As 3 melhores nações irão competir durante 3 corridas para ganhar a Taça do Mundo. Os jogadores destas 3 equipas podem agora juntar-se ao campeonato D. ?important
??  Hallo zusammen, zunächst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere drei Finalisten und an alle anderen Nationen, die zwar ausgeschieden sind, sich aber trotzdem nicht unterkriegen ließen.
Nun ist es Zeit für das Finale! Die drei besten Nationen werden in drei Rennen gegeneinander antreten, um den Weltcup zu gewinnen. Spieler, die zu diesen drei Teams gehören, können jetzt einer Liga D beitreten. ?important
medal 5000
2 years 270 days ago

The 3 finalist nations: United Kingdom 1, Portugal 1 and France will compete on 3 different races to show who is the best this year and win the world cup !

The first final race will be broadcast tomorrow at 20:00 GMT (9pm British time) ! The youtube link will be broadcast tommorow.
medal 5000
2 years 266 days ago (Last edited by Leo Hackins 2 years 266 days ago)

Hello all
Tonight is the last race (USA without refueling) of the final of the iGP World Cup. France is in difficulty but they can still claim the world champion title with United Kingdom and Portugal. Portugal has a 58-point lead over United Kingdom and 117 over France. They are logically favorites but nothing is done yet.
So go tonight to follow live on Youtube at 22:00 GMT who will be the new iGP World Champion ! ?

medal 5000
2 years 266 days ago
Final race !!!
Who will win the World cup ...

medal 5000
2 years 265 days ago

Good afternoon everybody,
It's now the end of the iGP World Cup, it's been a great pleasure to organize all this competition. I would like to thank especially @?? Pierre Le Net  for managing completely this event and @??Jul Box  and @??Gabriel Faspaxx  for their precious help.
Finally, thanks to you for participating to this competition which gathered players from all over the world, I hope you enjoyed the event and that you had fun. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement, don't hesitate to let us know.
And obviously, congratulations again to the United Kingdom who succeeded Italy and became the new iGP world champion! ? ??
See you next year, more fit than ever. I wish you all a good continuation.
Au revoir
Your iGP World Cup Team

medal 5456 Super Mod
1 year 23 days ago
Thread reopened following request from original poster. 
medal 5000
1 year 23 days ago

iGP World Cup 2024

More information are coming next week...

medal 5000
1 year 18 days ago
Good evening everyone,

All information and rules are now available and specified in the first post of this topic (page 1)

Enjoy ! 
medal 5000
1 year 10 days ago
Good afternoon everybody,

Registation are now open, you need to fill the form below in order to participate
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