Aaahhhh Haaaaaaa medal 5000 6 years 233 days ago (edited 6 years 228 days ago)
Hi Yunus,
I have only got 48 parts left. Ads still not working. Could I have some more parts please?
Hi Yunus, I'm down to 34 parts.
Hi Yunus, I'm down to 28 parts and not using any for second driver. Some parts would be great thanks.
Hi Yunus, yes it's me again. Only got 22 parts left. Second driver isn't going to make it through the next week.
I received mine. Thank you

Tomasz Domaradzki medal 5000 6 years 233 days ago
I cant watch video... can i help?

Mitchell Maverick medal 5000 6 years 232 days ago
I have 24 spares and with the videos I do not take more than 1/2 a day, and I can not stay behind the consumption of each race, I will soon remain without parts.

Kuba P medal 5000 6 years 232 days ago
I still have a problem with watch video...
Second problem is slow motion in every race in this season, first 5 - 7 laps is in slow motion, next few laps is normal and next in slow motion...
I check my internet connect and everything is ok, but problems in this game are still

Bastian Fajardo medal 5000 6 years 231 days ago
Hi Yunus, I have only got 26 parts left. Ads still not working. Could I have some more parts please?

Daniele Digrazia medal 5000 6 years 231 days ago
Hi, i have 2 parts after the race. I can't see videos too...please fix it. Thanks

Zac H medal 5000 6 years 231 days ago
I'm having problems watching videos and receiving parts.
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Android
4 - Yes
5 - I only have 1 account
6 - UK/England
7 - loading circle/buffering
8 - 0 parts
Thank you, zac

Max Crashtappen medal 5000 6 years 230 days ago
8 parts left. Please help.

Frikandel Speciaal medal 5000 6 years 230 days ago
When looking the ads after 5 it stops, a circle is what i see, i have reinstal the game, latest version.
Android. Netherlands

Mika Skerzo medal 5000 6 years 229 days ago (edited 6 years 229 days ago)
Help I don't see videos... About 3 weeks
I am level10
I have level7 in "produzione" only 13 parts... 13/280
I have a good reliability...
I have spent 16 token to have 20 parts...
Non è sostenibile!
I have reinstalled the app
I'm Italian from Rome
I have only this account
At 99% I win in pro...
... I go in elite with no parts?
It have any reason?
I have a good 'produzione', why I don't have the parts to finish season?
What's the sense of have 280 slot if the production speed is seriously embarrassing?!?
Sorry for grammar errors...
... Help
Resolve the production speed,
No ads (or less if possible) make more realism to the game, with a "better production"

Maurizio Barbaro medal 5713 6 years 229 days ago
I'm having problems watching videos and receiving parts.
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Android
4 - Yes
5 - I only have 1 account
6. Italy
7 - loading circle/buffering
8 - 0 parts about five weeks
I can't play, it's so difficult. Help me.

Luca Scaratti medal 5000 6 years 229 days ago
Hi, I watch the adds but don't get any rewards. I have only 2 parts remaining! Luca Scaratti Bolz Racing Formula 1SEN

Maurizio Balduzzi medal 5000 6 years 229 days ago
Hi, i have 6 parts after the race. I can't see videos too...please fix it. Thanks

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 229 days ago
Parts delivered correctly.
If you did not get parts, then you did not meet the following conditions:
- You are posting from an account that has more than 75 parts
- You are posting from an account that is level 1
- Your request did not follow the original instructions in the original post of this thread

Ojo De Rodaballo medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago
Tengo 2 piezas y necesito 6 por carrera. Ya he tenido que pagar tokens por este problema. Espero resolución al respecto. Es mas, en la última liga rompí coche por eso en las últimas 4 carreras.

Mariano DoppioZero medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago
Only 44 parts left. Thank you