Manu Marquez medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago (edited 6 years 224 days ago)
Hi Yunus,
Today, I only have 20 pieces for my 2 pilots and I can not see the advertising videos to get more because I get an error. I request that you can help me with some pieces to be able to continue competing and not have to spend tokens as I had to do once.
My team is: " to ca me la" and the league is: " La polla 3"
Thank you!

John Doe medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Android
4 - Yes
5 - I only have 1 account
6 - Italy
7 - loading circle/buffering
8 - 10 parts
Now I have 45 parts
Thank you!

Lorenzo Bertelli medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago
I've the same problem and only 10 parts available (but i need 11 for repair the car). Could you help me?

Fframer Ggamer medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago (edited 6 years 226 days ago)
having more issues with regards to the free parts button mate - fades away and and sticks on the loading animation...
1. yes
2. yes
3. android
4. yes
5. no
6. scotland
7. free parts button not working correctly - usually can watch 10 ads per day but only have 7 parts left as can't watch currently
any help is much appreciated...
Update* button seems to be working again...
Update** only managed to watch 3 ads today before the button crashed out and got stuck 'loading' again...currently have 24 parts and have not hit my daily limit yet buy can't watch anymore ads

Anderson Paes medal 5000 6 years 228 days ago
Hi my account have 3 parts now anda i can't get more than 5 or 6 parts a day and stop the button.
My car use 6 parts for day and i need 12 parts a day.
I use android and my team is "paes racing" in the "kart esp br" league.

Алексей Воробьев medal 5000 6 years 227 days ago (edited 6 years 227 days ago)
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Android
4 - Yes
5 - I only have 1 account
6 - BelarusRussia
7 - Not aktiv

Marco Sosa medal 5000 6 years 227 days ago
1. Sí
2. Sí
3. Android
4. Borrado
5. 1 cuenta
6. Reino Unido
7. Avanza en tres puntos y no procede al anuncio, cuando regresa después de borrar el caché vuelve a los tres puntos y trata de procesar.
8. Ninguno
Esto ha estado ocurriendo ahora por tres semanas y he tenido que gastar muchas monedas en partes solo para que mi carrera de autos sea digna. Si me pueden dejar algunas piezas / monedas gastadas como después de la carrera de hoy estaré en el mismo bote.

Gerard VC I medal 5411 6 years 226 days ago (edited 6 years 226 days ago)
Hi Yunus,
- I use from 12 to 26 pieces per race.
- I generate 16 pieces per race
(60 spare parts left and
currently decreasing)


Miguel Angel Armenta medal 5000 6 years 224 days ago
Necesitaria alguna pieza adicional, ahora mismo me quedan unas 15

Dan James medal 5000 6 years 224 days ago
5- just one
6- London England
7- loading circle
8 - 7 parts
Thank you... :)

Rex Racer medal 5000 6 years 224 days ago
Hi. I need more free parts . Tks

Alex Pnts medal 5000 6 years 224 days ago
I can't watch ads and i haven't at all. . Zero.. 0!!

Miguel Angel Armenta medal 5000 6 years 224 days ago
Necesito piezas, no puedo ver videos y cada vez me resulta mas dificil competir, ahora tengo unas 15 pero se agotaran pronto, gracias.

Toto Villa medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago
J'ai fait une demande pour des pièces qui a abouti et vous en remercie encore. Il m'en reste encore beaucoup, mais je me demande ce qu'il va se passer quand mon stock sera presque vide car je teste à peu près tout les jours les vidéos et je n'ai réussi qu'une seule fois à en récupérer.
Merci d'avance pour la réponse.

Raul Angeles Garcia medal 4980 6 years 223 days ago
Tengo seis partes
Veo un vídeo y se se da pensando y ya no me da opciones a ver más
midto de las piezas viene de largo y creo que deberíais buscarle un solución ya

Miguel Vicens medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago
Hello Yunus, I have only 13 pieces ando will not let me watch videos. Please help me

Ojo De Rodaballo medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago
De nuevo no me dijo ver vídeos para obtener piezas gratis. Llevo 2 días así

Antonio Peruzzu medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago
I also have some problems for having free spare parts
1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Italy
7. Any click in the botton
8. 2 spare parts a day

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 6 years 223 days ago
Parts delivered correctly.

Kris Tof medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago (edited 6 years 222 days ago)
I have 2 part. I dont See video. I need free part. Thx