Pablo Miñana medal 5000 7 years 59 days ago
Good Morning,
I am in touch with you to see if it would be possible to change the host of our league. Since, ours, has not been connected for 276 days.
The name of the league is "RACE OF CHAMPIONS"

Tora . medal 5000 7 years 57 days ago
My account: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=534606
League: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=26890
League name: TT Cup
Inactive for 151 day (http://puu.sh/z0S1p/47961552c6.png).

Sven Dießenbacher medal 5161 7 years 57 days ago
Hello everybody. I need your help. At the beginning of a new season, the design points are reset to a specific value. according to which criteria are these points reset? maybe the final results of the preseason play a role? I've increased my staff from 4.5 to 5 ☆ and have fewer points at the start of the season than last season. ??? Thank you for your answers.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 56 days ago
Hello everybody. I need your help. At the beginning of a new season, the design points are reset to a specific value. according to which criteria are these points reset? maybe the final results of the preseason play a role? I've increased my staff from 4.5 to 5 ☆ and have fewer points at the start of the season than last season. ??? Thank you for your answers.
Please create a new thread for assistance.

Brad Racing medal 5000 7 years 53 days ago
My account: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=535886
League: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=26940
League name: F1 Season 2017
Host has been inactive for 46 days now, Rookie and Pro are full of inactive drivers but there are a half dozen of us still active in elite, I would like to try and get this league more active in all three levels.

Paul Joystick medal 5000 7 years 52 days ago
1,2,3 - CHECK!
4. https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=27932 Liga Polska
5. 14 days! We don't wanna wait any longer for this guy!
Paul Joystick: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&user=533128

Jaime RS medal 5001 7 years 51 days ago
Name of the leage: Liga F1 201X
Url of leage: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=24617
Name of inactive host: Oscae Fernandez Acacio
URL of host: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=386671
Thanks for help

Cah AB medal 5000 7 years 51 days ago
Please change new host to bakuda racing liga. Because host liga offline now.

Cah AB medal 5000 7 years 50 days ago
please replace host league raw racing from old to ab cah. because the host is now a long time off and a league full of inactive players as well.

Adiland II medal 5375 7 years 50 days ago
Me too. I'm in a league with inactive host and i would like to be the host since i'm the player most active of the league and i would to a league for only active players.
host is inactive 17 days, but he activated back 2 days ago, then yesterday the host is no longer active. . .
Liga : mugiwara f1 https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=43288
Host : https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=674979
My link : https://igpmanager.com/app/p=manager

Adiland II medal 5375 7 years 50 days ago
Me too. I'm in a league with inactive host and i would like to be the host since i'm the player most active of the league and i would to a league for only active players.
Liga : mugiwara f1 https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=43288
Host : https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=674979
My link : https://igpmanager.com/app/p=manager
host is inactive 17 days, but he activated back 2 days ago, then yesterday the host is no longer active. . .

Simon Balzer medal 5000 7 years 50 days ago
I would like to take over the Formula Aus league. The host has not logged on for 246 days.

Krzysiek Giuliano medal 5000 7 years 48 days ago
Host of our league become inactive I cant even remember when he was last time on a race or even made a setup. We tried contact with him several times but he didnt respond. Our league is full of inactive players and we want to make some places for new menagers

Mr OnTheCharge medal 5000 7 years 47 days ago
League name: Formule 1
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=leagueInfo&id=13298
Host name: Joey DE CARVALHO
Please chance to mySelf beacuse The Host is inactive for 210 days. ..My name: Anas Madmax

Matthieu Lecoq medal 5000 7 years 46 days ago
I would like to take control of the iGP GrandPrix league whose current host is Cédric Grégoire, absent for 105 days.
League: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=leagueInfo&id=23993

Michael Raetselhaft medal 5000 7 years 45 days ago
League name: RuSportLeague
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=44912
Host name: Эдуард Иванов
He's been inactive for 70 days.
Thanks in advance.

Filippo Mei medal 5000 7 years 45 days ago
League Name: Nuovo Campionato Italiano F1 ore 14
Host Name: Matteo Sangui (29 days offline)
League ID: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=15410
New Host: Filippo Mei or Andrea Rosa

Marco Russo medal 5001 7 years 45 days ago
The league is https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=35859
PDK91 YouTube italia. The manager is inactive from 50 days and is a championship with many active managers. I want take the championships for make it active to 100%.

Marco Russo medal 5001 7 years 45 days ago
The league is https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=35859
PDK91 YouTube italia. The manager is inactive from 50 days and is a championship with many active managers. I want take the championships for make it active to 100%.
Scuderia Monster iGP1 manager italia, name Marco Russo

Duma 17 medal 5000 7 years 45 days ago
League name: F1
Host name: Mauro Borella
Host has been inactive for 16 days and has never competed in the league.
My name: Duma 17
Any help would be much appreciated