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We are now removing inactive players from Pro and Elite

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medal 5696
6 years 241 days ago
 "they have to run around at the back for half a season until research allows them to catch up."

But they will catch up right? Stay and work your way up or don't join my league. Already dealt with one hopper. Don't want them. 

The entry to a league should be by email acceptance from the host instead of just turning up randomly one day into elite taking a promotion spot from the pro guys that have been there for a few seasons. 
medal 5000
6 years 241 days ago

 "they have to run around at the back for half a season until research allows them to catch up."

But they will catch up right? Stay and work your way up or don't join my league. Already dealt with one hopper. Don't want them. 

The entry to a league should be by email acceptance from the host instead of just turning up randomly one day into elite taking a promotion spot from the pro guys that have been there for a few seasons. 

A new manager joining in Elite doesn't take away any promotion spots.
medal 5696
6 years 241 days ago


 "they have to run around at the back for half a season until research allows them to catch up."

But they will catch up right? Stay and work your way up or don't join my league. Already dealt with one hopper. Don't want them. 

The entry to a league should be by email acceptance from the host instead of just turning up randomly one day into elite taking a promotion spot from the pro guys that have been there for a few seasons. 

A new manager joining in Elite doesn't take away any promotion spots.

Elite is full now with 2 managers joining mid season, 1 of them not so long ago. The top pro guys can't be promoted, because there are now only 4 in the league because all the inactive are gone. They should have been able to go through first, not some random that just turns up mid season unannounced. 

medal 5000
6 years 241 days ago



 "they have to run around at the back for half a season until research allows them to catch up."

But they will catch up right? Stay and work your way up or don't join my league. Already dealt with one hopper. Don't want them. 

The entry to a league should be by email acceptance from the host instead of just turning up randomly one day into elite taking a promotion spot from the pro guys that have been there for a few seasons. 

A new manager joining in Elite doesn't take away any promotion spots.

Elite is full now with 2 managers joining mid season, 1 of them not so long ago. The top pro guys can't be promoted, because there are now only 4 in the league because all the inactive are gone. They should have been able to go through first, not some random that just turns up mid season unannounced. 

So you are saying that Pro is now empty and that promotion is turned off? That makes more sense. But the cutoff is bound to happen at some point if this change is to be made.
medal 5696
6 years 241 days ago
Pro now has only 4. 
medal 5000
6 years 241 days ago
Next season you'll have enough in Pro to enable promotion again, because you'll have 2 teams demoted from Elite and 2 teams promoted from Rookie.
medal 5000
6 years 241 days ago
I recently took over hosting duties for the league I'm competing in, however I think I may be a bit soft!! I have a lot of managers that have been inactive for a fair number of days, but if I release those from the league then it'll spoil the other managers chances of promotion. Any other league hosts feeling the same as me?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
6 years 241 days ago
Hi Alun, we are not asking you to remove inactive managers from your league, we automatically remove them after the period specified in the original post. You're free to keep anyone in the league or enforce your own rules up to that point.

Regarding Kevin's suggestions, they are definitely sound and I will look in to how we can improve things for changing leagues between seasons. I may even be able to implement his suggestion in the next couple of days about generating a complete car design for the new league so that managers can be somewhat competitive.

I still feel managers changing leagues shouldn't immediately be dominating the league they join through any kind of advantage gained by changing leagues, though.
medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 241 days ago

 "they have to run around at the back for half a season until research allows them to catch up."

But they will catch up right? Stay and work your way up or don't join my league. Already dealt with one hopper. Don't want them. 

The entry to a league should be by email acceptance from the host instead of just turning up randomly one day into elite taking a promotion spot from the pro guys that have been there for a few seasons. 

Hi Chris, thanks for your response.

With the introduction of auto-kick to Pro and Rookie tiers I imagine that there will be a lot more active managers wanting to move so that they remain in a well populated league. 

I'm not advocating that incoming managers have any kind of advantage, I just think that people moving league for genuine reasons shouldn't be massively disadvantaged.
Secondly. Elite managers joining your league will not prevent promotion from Pro at the end of the season providing you have enough teams in Pro to activate promotion/relegation.
Thirdly, if you really don't want top managers joining your league and thereby attracting other top managers all you have to do is password protect the league. Then advertise on this forum and you can choose who you allow in.

I still believe that even if you limit latent "next season" design to 20% it will not eradicate second season design boost.
medal 5696
6 years 240 days ago
I figure using the mail system as a way to accept or deny them would be more beneficial than having to worry about a password, which as soon as you give it to one, they can give it multiple, or else it has to be changed every time.  Simply put, hit 'join league', mail is sent to host. Host hit's accept or deny. 

Re: disadvantage; I was saying that they will eventually catch up. I wouldn't expect them to be able to join mid-season and ruin a championship run for a manager who has been there from the start. 

Removing the inactive means that the two active in Pro won't be promoted, because there is now only 4 of them in Pro, but random elite managers can just turn up into Elite. My bad for not clarifying that better. 

It would have been nice to get some mail to state what was happening where i would have removed the inactive myself during the season break after the promotion/relegation was done. The last time i removed the inactive i had the same issue with the Pro tier and it would take 3-4 season for a manager who was active to make Elite (because you know, people leave Pro tier as well), and Elite did not have enough to relegate at the time, but he stopped playing instead. What i was trying to do this time was to fill Elite and Pro enough to be able to kick the inactive without it disrupting the active, or making them leave or making them give up playing entirely.  
medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 240 days ago
Maybe I didn't explain very well. With the system I suggested a manager joining during the inter-season break would be neither advantaged or disadvantaged. But managers joining mid season will be progressively more disadvantaged the later in the season they join because they would only have start of season design. So the scenario where a manager joins your league mid season and messes up your championship won't happen. It would be more likely a mid season incoming manager would be relegated.
medal 5696
6 years 240 days ago
Yes i did miss the mid-season part. Apologies. 
medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago
Is this "removing ..." the reason my game wont load? N do we have races rerun tomorrow again? Or is it just me with loading issues? It goes to loading screen with the picture at start n then goes to black screen?
medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago (edited 6 years 240 days ago)
You are not alone, cannot login.
All back to normal now!
medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago
I just wanted to say - Thanks for all the hard work you're doing and the fast changes you've put in place based on player feedback! 

Many other places would have made an announcement and then retreated into a bunker, instead you quickly heard the issues about needing to move to more active leagues and addressed it.

Well done you guys! (and or girls!)
medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago

Agree that this is a good think I normally remove. Inactive rookies after 7 days only problem is now pro is down to 7 and leaves no promotion to a 4 team elite 

Same for my one of league 
medal 5000
6 years 239 days ago
Year ago when auto-kick was introduced I was very disappointed because  it affected my league for 2 seasons. Thanks to the managers we’ve get promotion and relegation zones back. I’m not web/app specialist and didn’t realize that the server is the clue. Now you explained that and for me it’s clear that it is very important solution for game stability and I’ll support that.

I just hope auto-kick won’t hurt my league in a long term. Currently pro tier was slashed from 26 to 17 players, so it was close to losing  promotion and  relegation zones, but luckily today season has ended and we have 3 teams more. It’s ok but I won’t say league is 100% safe. Only problem is pro tier. Maybe if 5 teams from rookie and 3 from pro would get promoted it would improve situation but idk. At this moment let’s see what will happen in the future.

One more thing. Is it possible to add info about auto-kick in activity tab in league management panel? Probably not every league host is aware of that and this information could be usefull
medal 5000
6 years 239 days ago
I have a suggestion about the issue of the management of inactive players.

Obviously no one want leagues with just a few players, but inactive players need to be kicked.

This is my suggest: at the end of a season, for every player is asked if he wants to stay in that league, or if he wants to join another league with same settings and level.
In that way every Active player can join Active leagues, in order to have always Active players in each league.

Leagues with less than 10 players need to be removed automatically at the end of a season, so Active players need to search for another league.

This should be positive for calculations because system would have a minor number of leagues and laps to calculate.

Inactive players need to be kicked automatically at the end of a season.

Think about It.
medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
Managers who leave a league during the mid-season break should not be penalized because they are not gaining anything.  If they leave at the end of the season and move to a league that is let's say on race 12, then I think the following should occur based on 5 star CD and Design factory level 20:

  • Car Design should be that of start of Race 1

  • Design points allocated should be 20 points x 11 races = 220 points

This will not give any advantage to the player who has joined the new league, but will enable him/her to be able to compete at the same stage as they would if they were to have remained in their previous league.  I agree to deter people moving league's during the season but people should not be penalized for moving at the end of a season.

medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 238 days ago

Managers who leave a league during the mid-season break should not be penalized because they are not gaining anything.  If they leave at the end of the season and move to a league that is let's say on race 12, then I think the following should occur based on 5 star CD and Design factory level 20:

  • Car Design should be that of start of Race 1

  • Design points allocated should be 20 points x 11 races = 220 points

This will not give any advantage to the player who has joined the new league, but will enable him/her to be able to compete at the same stage as they would if they were to have remained in their previous league.  I agree to deter people moving league's during the season but people should not be penalized for moving at the end of a season.

I don't agree with the extra dp for joining mid-season, I think it should be Australia design... period. This would have two benefits

  1. it would encourage managers to join a new league during the break rather than gatecrashing a league mid season

  2. It would mean a manager joining mid season would be uncompetitive and would therefore have little influence over the established teams who are fighting for the championship.

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