ʟ ᴏ ʟ ɨ ᴛ ᴀ medal 5000 6 years 189 days ago
Hello, Iìm asking to re-run our races in all three tiers because nobody of us could enter the live race to manage it and the results have been heavily conditioned by the AI.
By the race time, our have been one of the first races after the big Maintenance due to server migration and there still were bugs in the game as we couldn't join the race no matter what, not even as spectators. This was the iGP of Brazil and we still have many ongoing battles for titles, promotions and relegations. So it would be fair if anyone of us could get a change to manage our own future in the league as best as we can and not be conditioned by random results.
Thank you!
League not found or inactive

Ken Proost medal 5000 6 years 189 days ago (edited 6 years 189 days ago)
Pls rerun our race in hungary

Sergio Sabalete Nuñez medal 5741 6 years 189 days ago
pagor favor vuelvan a ejecutar nuestras carreras con los ajustes y todo preparado y por favor danos un margen para poder conecatrnos y avisar

Leo Yeo medal 5000 6 years 189 days ago
I think my league would also like a rerun. Apparently no one could get in today...

Woppo Race medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Please rerun ours as well, thanks!

Nvi Nvi medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago (edited 6 years 188 days ago)
League is: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=6368
To re-run last race germany

Man Blue medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Again ???? Umbeliveble....
We must rerun the race !

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 188 days ago
In our defense, it's not a repeat of anything from previous days. It's mobile apps only and cached code on those specific mobile phones. Everything is completely fine on PC and with apps which have updated code. The problem is we can't force the apps to update the code either, it's a tricky and rather obscure situation.

Christian Arnemann medal 5005 6 years 188 days ago

Nicholas Pressey medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago (edited 6 years 188 days ago)
Hello, this is Nicholas Pressey, manager of league id#8462. An error has occurred where the European iGP was scheduled to start at 14:00 EST, and has not, i would like to postpone/ move this race later in the season, or if this is not possible, perhaps remove it from this season's schedule. To add, the race cant be entered from the mobile app.
Edit; The race has started, 17 minutes late, but no one can access it
Thank you for your time

Chris wright medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
can i have a rerun on this league as well plz 4670

Ashley C medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Can we please have a rerun of our last race in this league please. Thanks

Dan Tyler medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
I need a race re run.
It was due to start at 7pm uk time, did not start and no live race link showed up.
The set ups and practice was reset
The race yas now started but we have missed half of it.
The vurtual racing federation is the league

Mike Van der Woude medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Please re run tonights race due the known problems next friday please.

Sándor Böszörményi medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Hungarian iGP Championship requests to re-run today's race due to the well-known issues.
Rest of us just got home from work and had no time to re-install or hadn't be aware of re-installing the application.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards!
Sándor (host)

Fabian Gmnwsr medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Please re-run the Monaco iGP (
https://igpmanager.com/race/live.php?id=19267465) of the DMCL (Deutsche Motorsport ChampionsLeague) (

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 188 days ago
I will begin processing these requests after dinner. Thanks for your patience. Please ensure the league host is requesting it, not just any member of the league as per the instructions in the first post in this thread. Exceptions can be made for leagues with inactive hosts.

Rubén Fernández medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Please re-run the Bahrain iGP (https://igpmanager.com/race/live.php?id=19259452) on the Formula One News League 2018 (https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=51776). Thanks!

Sébastien Limbourg medal 5467 6 years 188 days ago
I am the host of the league https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=15129.
The race started later and so I finish in last position because I was in attack very strong +2.
At 20:05, I closed the PC.
The hour is the hour, i have no time to stand in front of my PC all the night so please erase this race because the championship is falsified !!!
Thank you in advance.

Pedro Lopez medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
we want, repeat the gp of Brazil, of the league ALONSOMANIA