Chris Holliday medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Could we have our last race which was supposed to start at 19:00 GMT 29/08/18.
Was our season opener and many of us couldn’t get on.
Much appreciated.
Chris ( League Host )

Ale Plumber medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
i want post this race of my league to re-race ^^

Leo Yeo medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Okay most of my league wants these races to be re-run:

Paul Mcdonagh medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
I need a race re run.
It was due to start at 7pm uk time, did not start and no live race link showed up.
The set ups and practice was reset
The race yas now started but we have missed half of it.
The virtual racing federation is the league

Iwan Aditiarsa medal 5804 6 years 188 days ago
Sorry for causing you trouble Jack. I'm the host of emwees Bret to the pit grandprix, and asking for a re run for Spanish race. I don't have the ID except the race result.
I don't have the link for Pro and rookie, but if possible they would like to be re run as well.
Thank you

José Luis Navarro medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
1º... Sorry for my bad English.
2º Can you please re-run our race.
Is 5 of 17. Gp Spain.
League not found or inactive

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 188 days ago
All done up to this post.

Iwan Aditiarsa medal 5804 6 years 188 days ago
Thank you Jack. Hope tonight we will have no problem... fingers cross.

Facundo Zanuttini medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Puede usted por favor, vuelva a ejecutar nuestra raza
Rinat Khafizov medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
I am not a host of our league, but our host Colin have asked me in private mail to be the host.
I agree and wrote the mail. You can check our mails.
But seems Colin still has some more important things to do. And he didn't answer yet and therefore not switched the league to me.
Please re-run today our last race in Malaysia in the the league https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=3633.
Thank you.

Grzegorz Oworuszko medal 4887 6 years 188 days ago
Please re-run today our last race in Europe in the the league
Thank you

Will Lugg medal 5000 6 years 188 days ago
Hi all.
I'm concerned that if we reverse one race, we'll need to consider the impact. Many people were able to race yesterday and moved on.
We all miss races, for whatever reason and this is what happened yesterday as the races were accessible. I struggled to get in at first, got kicked out during the race, but persisted. This involved checking the forum for instruction and following them. I was rewarded by being fully able to manage my race - why should someone in this position (I'm not alone) be punished for doing so? Since the last race, cars have developed, drivers trained, set-ups and strategy for the next confirmed. We're 4 hours from the next race in the league I'm in, going back to yesterday would be truly disappointing.
I suggest not going backwards. Ultimately, anyone who missed out on points would absolutely choose to re-run, why wouldn't you? This goes back to my previous statement of concern. There are plenty of races we've individually messed up or missed and would love to re-run, but that's the nature of an application, run at a particular time; users know the risk and should respect the odd bug when improvements are made in development - the scale of the change by the team of iGP is massive and the fact it was completed in a short space of time is great work.
That's my 2 cents.

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 188 days ago
Those races have been postponed now.
Rinat, I have also made you the host of the league as I reviewed your communications with Colin and confirmed what you said.

Rinat Khafizov medal 5000 6 years 187 days ago
Those races have been postponed now.
Rinat, I have also made you the host of the league as I reviewed your communications with Colin and confirmed what you said.
Jack, no, you put someone else as the host of our league. https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=248757 This guy is not me. Please, make me host.

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 187 days ago
Ah, I clicked your profile. As you'll notice it has exactly the same ID as this guy, but in the rush didn't notice I'd copied your *user* ID rather than *manager* ID (not the same thing).
You are: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&user=248757
He is: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=248757
Thanks for letting me know. I'll correct that now. :)
EDIT: You're the host now

Christian Arnemann medal 5005 6 years 185 days ago
Pls um Restart tomorrow
Wheater in Pro Clear in Elite Rain
Real Clean No Rain
race id: 19197775

Peter Man medal 5000 6 years 184 days ago
Last race, a lot of people had the game frozen at lap57 - lap60. Game froze completely, and upon a re-connect attempt, would come up with a 'Connection Problem' error
Very frustrating, as I was stuck on PL1, and with a very large ammount of KERs left. Deprived of a very close race ending :(

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 184 days ago
Pls um Restart tomorrow
race id: 19197775
Due to it being quite late that I have seen this request (just 1h50 before the next race) and because you only wanted Elite postponed, I think the best option is to wipe the Elite race for that round and skip it instead.
When we re-run a race, we wipe all 3 tiers (Rookie, Pro and Elite).

John Banwell medal 5000 6 years 182 days ago
I'd like to 're run race 1 please as we couldn't load into the race last night
Sorry for late message due to work

Jack Basford medal 5228
CEO & CTO 6 years 182 days ago
I'd like to 're run race 1 please as we couldn't load into the race last night
Sorry for late message due to work
Very late John.. the next race has already run! We can either go back and re-run both, or just wipe Australia as if it never happened.