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REWARDS for Champions

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medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
If your thinking that xp waste of time for the teams on 10,000 then get them to carry ballast like 1kg per championship win
medal 5000
6 years 132 days ago
Cool. Can we have BTCC shaped cars, too? ;-) 
medal 5273
6 years 115 days ago
There isn't any reward for coming in the top 3 of a league. 

Perhaps offering monetary and/or token awards in coming 1-2-3 in Pro and Elite tiers?  I wouldn't say it is needed in Rookie as that is more of a right of passage to enter into racing with more "serious" teams. 
medal 5089
6 years 115 days ago
Can you send us trophies in the post too. Thanks.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
I support the idea of awarding xp - atm it takes ages to catch up to the high level players and awarding xp wont really strengthen the teams and it will help lower levels catch higher level players quicker but the higher level players have the level advantage during the league so they should win it anyways.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
Maybe you can get money based on a target you get at the start of the season, based on the car rating and last season position.

You get maybe 5m if you finish ahead of your target

2.5m if you get exactly your target

0m if you finish below it.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago

What do you think about:
at the start of every season each team puts a buy-in (maybe 1 mil.) to participate to te Championship, (like in poker tournaments) and at the end of the season this amount of cash will be divided to first half of teams. 
1.Example: 16 teams championship. Each team give 1 milion to "bank". At the end of the season the first 8 team will have a part from the Bank, divided in %. 
Like ( 25-20-15-12-10-8-6-4 % )

I like this idea, but i really cant afford 1mil. every 18 days.

I think best i can do is 100 euros every 18 days. 
We all put it in jacks bank account and he can pay the winners when the season ends.

If u fail to pay at season start, a team of igp specialists will come to your house and confiscate goods worth the amount.
(I might hv a gambling addiction)

I agree on bonusses increasing the gap if elite teams in scoring or winning positions get rewards n the 'lower levels' in elite dont get any simply because they CANT compete with lvl 20s.

But i also believe a 'promotion bonus' might close this same gap quicker (since u cant promote from elite; only pros n rookies will be eligible for this rewards) and might make rookie n pro leagues more competetive
So the number 1 and 2 will get a 1time reward at season end.

Either way, doesnt matter to me tho.
My bank is balanced, i hv 200+ parts, and 1 engine per car every 2 races.
Progress towards lvl20 is slow but steady, but even at lvl 17, im competetive
Im good, thnx.
Winning is its own reward to me.

medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
HI Devs, what about creating a gallery where championship winners can show off their championship Trophies. 
Bragging rights ...

medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago
I've been asking for a trophy room for ages. 
medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago

I've been asking for a trophy room for ages. 

Maybe u should give up trying...? 
medal 5000
6 years 112 days ago
I never give up on anything 
medal 5000
6 years 112 days ago
Lol. Sweet.

I really like your answers.
medal 5000
6 years 112 days ago
Glad to be of service :-) 

All joking aside, I've had cancer 3 times, with a likelihood of a 4th, 3 pulmonary embolisms and have a chronic pain condition. If I gave up, I'd be dead by now. I will always keep fighting, in everything I do. 
medal 5000
6 years 112 days ago

Glad to be of service :-) 

All joking aside, I've had cancer 3 times, with a likelihood of a 4th, 3 pulmonary embolisms and have a chronic pain condition. If I gave up, I'd be dead by now. I will always keep fighting, in everything I do. 


medal 5000
6 years 111 days ago
And thank you :-) 
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