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Trouble watching ads? Read and Post here

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medal 5000
6 years 51 days ago (edited 6 years 49 days ago)
What country are you located in?

Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?
What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running? 12.1.2

What is the model name of your Android or iOS device(s)? iPhone X
What version of the iGP Manager app are you running? 3.35

Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both? Both

In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button? If yes, how many ads are you able to watch? No, I don’t see a free parts button

If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns? Unable to receive any

How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return? Doesn’t appear

Do you have more than one iGP Manager account? Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts? N/A

This appears to have been rectified now. Thank you!
medal 4991
6 years 51 days ago
From yestarday I have again problems: no ads.
medal 5000
6 years 50 days ago
iPhone 6 or laptop. No free parts. Don’t know about others but -As I not wish to pay for em might stop playing if they get to none. 
medal 5214
6 years 50 days ago
Country: USA
Model Name of Android: Galaxy S9+J
iGP Manager version: 3.35
WiFi/Mobile Data: Both ( a bit better using mobile data)
I can see the Free Parts button
I have watched 5 so far
1 part per ad. Received all parts so far
It depends but typically a day or more
I have 1 iGP account 
medal 5000
6 years 49 days ago
Justin I use iPhone so iOS. iPhone 6. Not android unfortunately. Nice idea. No probs though as said if they don’t fix soon I know several folk won’t play cos not prepared to pay. It’s up to them nicely said to get or pull stops out to fix it. As others have said too though the game has SO many bugs and issues and others have already stopped. 
medal 5000
6 years 48 days ago
What country are you located in?

Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?

What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running?
-iOS 12.1.2

What is the name of your Android or iOS device(s)?
-iPhone 7

What version of the iGP Manager app are you running?

Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both?

In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button?

If yes, how many ads are you able to watch?
- 1

If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns?
-1, then button turns to dots or disappears

How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return?
-Have to close the app, so the button re-activates (but still don't open an add, just showing 3 dots at the button, like loading a new video, when it worked back in the days).

Do you have more than one iGP Manager account?

Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
medal 5000
6 years 47 days ago
Zee Count  and Dickie B are like R G. Can only see and get one advert then goes all to bubbles. iOS version 12.1.2. Been like it now 2 days after working for 1 day. 
medal 5003
6 years 46 days ago
-What country are you located in? 
-Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?
-What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running?
IOS 12.1.2
-What is the model name of your Android or iOS device(s)?
IPhone 7
-What version of the iGP Manager app are you running?
-Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both?
-In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button? If yes, how many ads are you able to watch?
Yes (0)
-If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns?
-How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return?
-Do you have more than one iGP Manager account? 
-Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
medal 5000
6 years 45 days ago
Only 2 ads during last 4 days. 
But no ads during last 2 days
iOS 12.1.2
medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
Today was fine. Got 10 spare parts.
medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago
What country are you located in?

Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?

What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running?
-iOS 12.1.2

What is the name of your Android or iOS device(s)?
-iPhone 6s 

What version of the iGP Manager app are you running?

Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both?
-Wi-fi, not sure if i ever tried with mobile data

In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button?

If yes, how many ads are you able to watch?

If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns?

How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return?
-Have to close the app, so the button re-activates (but still don't open an add, just showing 3 dots at the button, like loading a new video, when it worked back in the days). But button doesn't disappear.

Do you have more than one iGP Manager account?

Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?

medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago
I have Exactly the same problem and system details as Joao. But folk keep mentioning /complaining but it has been weeks now still not fixed . ?when can we have a date when sorted? Pleeeeese. 
medal 5000
6 years 43 days ago
1- Brazil
2- Android
3- Android 8.1.0 version
4- Moto G5s Plus
5- iGP Manager Version 3.35
6- Both
7- Yes. Only once 
8- I think 6, but yeah, now i cant receive...
9- I dont know exactly but, a lot of time, like 5 minutes waiting for the button and sometimes, days...
10- Yes I have. No, all of my accounts can't receive the parts (but I just play in one account)

OBS: Please give some parts until we can fixed the bugs because I don't have more parts to fix my cars :(
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
It has nothing to do with no ads available cos u get one sometimes then bubbles only. It has an issue with it. Ok, it’s not directly to do with you. But the folk in charge need a kick up the Butt to sort it. Loads of managers are experiencing this. 
medal 5088
6 years 42 days ago (edited 6 years 42 days ago)
Hi all, please try the following steps below and let me know if this helps:

1. Open Settings
2. Go to General
3. At the bottom of General, tap Reset
4. At the bottom of the list, tap Reset Location & Privacy (you may need to confirm this by entering your iPhone numeric passcode)
5. Go back to Settings
6. Go to Privacy
7. Make sure Limit Ad Tracking is disabled
8. Tap Reset Advertising Identifier and confirm the action

What does Reset Location & Privacy do?

This action resets your location and privacy settings for apps. You'll find these settings located in Privacy, under the Settings app for your iOS device. If you have ever altered these options (it's possible you may have forgotten, as I can't remember the last time I touched these settings, knowing full well I have messed with them in the past), they could probably be another reason for the ads not working correctly.

Please test to see if you receive ads after confirming the Reset Location & Privacy option. If you receive all 10 ads you are permitted in a day, that's great! Then, if you like to have your location and privacy settings configured in a certain way, please adjust them to your desire and see if it affects your ability to receive parts the next day. 

Remember to use both wi-fi and mobile data, if possible.
medal 5005
6 years 41 days ago
I have this problem on android samsung galaxy j7 pro
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
What country are you located in?
UK, However I have been in Thiland for the last 2 weeks and it has been flawless. 

Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?

What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running?
12.1.3 Beta 4

What is the model name of your Android or iOS device(s)?
iPhone XS Max

What version of the iGP Manager app are you running?
Latest iOS version

Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both?

In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button? If yes, how many ads are you able to watch?
Once, then the button after collecting the part will not respond on the next press. if pressed one more time the button will go in grey with the loading type symbol indefinitely. (Has been over 24 hours like this) you must kill the app and then you can get 1 more part at a time. on a rare occasion a second or third might work before it hangs. 

If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns?
I can normally get 8 a day with killing the app after each free part. 

How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return?
Instantly after killing the app. the button never disappears once in the thinking stage. The only time the button is not available is between seasons. (not sure if that's right) its NEVER available during this time.

Do you have more than one iGP Manager account? Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
I only have the one account. 
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
Tutto bene ?
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
What country are you located in?

Are you having the problem on Android, iOS, or both?

What OS version of Android and/or iOS are you running?
-iOS 12.1.2

What is the name of your Android or iOS device(s)?
-iPhone 8

What version of the iGP Manager app are you running?

Does the problem happen when connected to a wi-fi network, while using mobile data, or both?

In the iGP Manager app, do you see a 'Free Parts' button?

If yes, how many ads are you able to watch?
-0 shows 3 dots as if loading but nothing happens 

If you are able to receive parts, how many are you able to get before the problem returns?

How long does it take for the 'Free Parts' button to return?
-Have to close the app, so the button re-activates but still don't open an add, just showing 3 dots at the button, like loading a new video

Do you have more than one iGP Manager account?

Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
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