Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 111 days ago
Our race carried on just a few minutes later. Thank you Andrew & welcome back. Hope you had a good break.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 111 days ago
Im thinking he's regretted coming home :)

Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 110 days ago
Ok its broke again. this is not funny or enjoyable anymore...
and they dont even know the cause. It's probably a bandwidth issue since it's only been since they changed servers.

Tim Wheatley medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Controls are down for us, too......................

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 107 days ago
Same, 2d daed for every1

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Here we go again...I have paid for a service that is just not being delivered...You would not put up with that on the high street or anywhere else!!!

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 107 days ago
I had just set push level on max for one driver and then it crashed so cant change it. I want the race pushed back to where 2d crashed. Come on guys, let us know what the problem is and if you can fix this?

Seb Vettel medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Seriously? At the moment, this is beyond words. This is a reputation killer iGP.. Use to be stable, used to be fun.. This isn't fun.

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
The devs have told us time and time again they don't know what the issue is. Time and time again this has been proved correct as our game crashes.

Daniel Prebble medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Then surely they should either roll back the update or suspend all races until a solution is found. I know I am not the only one that has had enough of this.

Tim Wheatley medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Seems to have started when the network was upgraded.

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 107 days ago
Its still broken here. No connection.

JeanPierre Vaillant medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
race broken: no controls!

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 107 days ago
still broken for this series.

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
I wasn't sure the push level applied when I changed it and after refreshing the page I got no connection again

Mike Henry Jr medal 5000 12 years 107 days ago
Was up for a moment, back down again.