aCb Chapman medal 5000 12 years 100 days ago (edited 12 years 100 days ago)
Let me explain what a subscription is.
Subscription is a rental method, which you rent your 2D viewer package for a set ammount of days.
Should you rent your home, should you be charged to sleep their per night, cause you may stay out all night, or perhaps you stay at your partners or parents?
David - are you serious?
What Jason describes is a fair solution for a known problem: It's
not fair when people who do 4 races a month pay the same like people doing 28 races a month.
Your argument is b.s. and it seems to me like someone searching for arguments just to have no need to think about.
Paying a rent for my home is necessary! Paying an unfair fee for a sim that crashes 3 times a week is luxury -and arguments like yours will only lead in people leaving that game! If you like this game and want to support it, then you should come of your own egoistic point of view and see what people need to stay with the game.
The only reason, why I'm still here - with all the crashes, stillstand, and people argumenting like you - is that I have payed for a one year subscription. And if the game stays in that buggy way and only with the possibillity to renew for a one year subsription: I definitely will quit, when subsription ends. Like many I know did, and many I know will do.
Why not have a flat rate: one year subsription
and a prepaid rate: 200 races or whatever?
A prepaid rate with 200 races makes no sense at all it should be something like 20 races...