Greg Broz medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
We are less than 3 laps from the finish... might as well carry it out tonight

Charlie Dangerfield medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
And now It has removed my subscription? I am positive that I am subscribed.

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
The simulator is being restarted to clear out connections. It should be back in 10 minutes. During this time (currently) no races are running, so you are not missing any of the action. They will be brought back when the simulation is resumed.
Any races that have been offline for 15 minutes or longer will be postponed to the next available slot, unless the league host specifically requests to resume tonight.
thank you jack. our host has not been online for over a day now so we cant ask them. its now 35 minutes passed our regular starting time so postpone is probably best :)

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 90 days ago
The issue is related to the server that hosts the simulator and how it is handling connections. It's quite likely to be the same issue we had hoped was addressed earlier this week, it seems to have resurfaced. There's quite a lot of packet loss showing up for that server, and that's fundamentally where the issue is stemming from.
We're working on the issue with the server management team, any races that have been delayed by 15 minutes or more will be postponed as stated previously. I think we can safely say a fair number of races will need to be postponed.

Bertram Redmeijer medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Wanted to start a 20:30 (local time, 19:30 GMT) race in Bahrain.
First qualifying took endless (never got results), then the race did not start - or if it did, I could not join. I have a button it is Live!, but going there, there is a 0 grid. Hitting the 2D viewer (2 trials left), I get a message that all free trail slots are full. Trying the time viewer, I get a connection time out.
Not sure what the problem is, the forums and other stuff is reachable....
Btw: it is raining in Bahrain. All week dry, next week will be dry - and now it is raining. Would have been a pretty wild race if it had started...

Joel Wraith medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Can we have race 127408 resumed please jack

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 90 days ago
Can we have race 127408 resumed please jack
We would need permission from the league host, in your case that is Darin Gangi.

Romain Dag medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Hi, could you restart our race ? We are several players who would like to have our race this evening.
League #: 42 (FFSCA)
Race : http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/132507
Date: 16/12/12
Race Start Time (GMT+0): 20:00
Action Requested: Restart
Thanks in advance :-)

Charlie Dangerfield medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
http://race.igpmanager.com/?id=125419 Restart my race. :)

Luca Crescimbeni medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
http://race.igpmanager.com/?id=138874 Restart please :)

a gt99 medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
http://race.igpmanager.com/?id=133066 Please restart my race

Greg Broz medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
please resume race 137242 instead of postponement. Sorry I did not include the number in my previous post.

Alex Madlopt medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
I've somehow lost ability to control push levels and pit controls in timing and scoring. Also before this crash I had 2 trials of 2D and now I have just 1 despite not using 2D
Same for me :( Before this crash i have one 2D trial and now.... :(

Vincenzo Miceli medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
We would like to resume tonight. But is it possible to turn off that training time? I mean that you can't train a driver before 24 hours have gone past. I mean it could be very late todey that we can train our drivers, so we wouldn't want to wait so long for tomorrow also (Hope you can understand).

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 90 days ago
The issue goes right to the root of the server, beneath any of our code or the game. Unfortunately it wasn't resolved by restarting the simulator as it's the server at fault.
It's something we're attempting to address with the server management team. ETA for a fix is uncertain at this stage.

Brian Gimber medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Unable to connect as well, Does that mean you are going to reinstate lost health to the drivers and wear to the cars?

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Same thing for us in Speed Series.
Race is due to start in 2 minutes and we have 0 cars on the grid and 2D just says "Connecting"
If we can get it resolved within the next 15 minutes then we might as well do our race tonight, otherwise postpone is the only option I suppose.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 90 days ago
The service will resume shortly. The following race IDs will restart at 20:30 GMT (in a little over 5 minutes).
125419, 125420, 125421
138874, 138875, 138876
133066, 133067, 133068

Tommy Vercetti medal 5000 12 years 90 days ago
Race ID 132052 not showing Q results, I think race is bugged too.