Mikhail, that's not the problem at all. We are going to postpone affected races by default. This is only possible because, yes, we can detect all of the affected races. There will be leagues though where the players would rather have their race go ahead later on today, or some other time other than the next race day. So we are just giving people an opportunity to decide exactly when they want to race next.
In the past we just restarted hung races as soon as we were able to, as I think you are suggesting we do here. The problem with doing that is that most players leave after a while and so miss their race.
I'd also add that yes under normal conditions the system automatically detects and restarts races in the event of a problem with the simulator. But these weren't normal conditions, and the delay went beneath the simulator level, meaning restarting it and resuming the races wasn't enough. We also needed to carry out maintenence on the server itself. By the time that was done many races were delayed such that we think it's more appropriate to manually intervene and give people a choice to resume/restart/postpone.
Our race is bugged here also guys...
Please, can you tell what's the procedure now? Postponement or restart?
In this case a postponement seems likely, as Stuart hasn't logged in today. If he logs in within the next hour requesting the race start then it would change.