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medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
Youen, I understand your questions there. This thread is about the weather specifically & how it affects races, so I would like to keep it on that point if you don't mind. I will open you a new thread:
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
The British Racing League just raced at Hungary in the rain, where the temperature was 2 degrees & it was 5/5 push all the way. We did have an interesting race, but I do understand the point being made here about the "reality" of racing in these conditions & the effect that has on the gaming experience.

I personally like Rob's idea about having a range of temperatures that are chosen from in a random manner, with perhaps the extremities offering a somewhat unusual set of conditions, eg Rain in the desert
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
Finally someone who isn't ignoring the glaring issue Rob and others have been going on about for ages.

Having races where you put your drivers to full push, yet they don't heat up the tyres doing so, resorting to doing a 5 stop strategy for a 60 lap race. Do that in F1 and you'd be destroyed.

Back in the days of refuelling, only the 1998 Hungarian Grand Prix sticks out as a race strategy that was a bit different but allowed for victory. 3 Stops in a 77 lap race is seen as smart because it won them the race.

Yet I doubt a 5 stop strategy for a 60 lap race would be seen as smart. All because of how iGP penalises heavy cars, it gets you victories because not only are your drivers burdended with more weight, they take longer to heat up their tyres.

We wouldn't be making posts like these if things were been fixed, but in almost a year of paying for 2D (come March unless I see proper updates, I'll be leaving) we've yet to see stuff that affect the actual racing once the lights go out. Drivers still wait an age to pass, prefering to sit on a car's ass for almost a full lap cause they want to specifically wait for the DRS zone when their clearly faster and set to full push.

Basic information not hidden away from people not on 2D so that it's not a blatant advantage and we don't have to be constantly looking at 5 teams in order to tell those that don't have 2D what their driver's tyres are like.

Sounds and really, really small car models that need to be zoomed into see don't improve the racing, it's just a bad paint of coat on that falling apart fence you've been meaning to replace for months.
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
Thank you for replying Edwin. I can see why you are a mod on the forums.

This is the forcast for our next race in Germany.

Thursday Night
Mostly cloudy. Fog overnight. Low of -14C. Winds less than 5 km/h.

The crazy thing is.. If that is close to what we will be racing in, it's going to be about 6 laps fully pushing on softs, killing the tyres, pitting a shead load of times and will probably whoop the entire field with something as stupid as the 6 lap stints.

The best thing about having caps on the weather is that the tracks like Britain / Germany / Hungry and so on, could use the same random % weather system for the short term until they can get the averages correct.

All sorts of weather data is right there on the net with averages for each location, all you need to do is say that Monaco is running in May for 2013 and here are the averages for it.

Temperature 17 Degs C / 63 Degs F.

Low Temperature 15 Degs C / 59 Degs F.

High Temperature  19°C / 66°F

Rainfall     64mm

Rainfall days     5 days per month.

Sorce -
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
At -6 degrees, F1 engines won't fire up, plus slicks will be completely wasted in 2 laps, because of the sharp icy bits and pieces.
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
The British Racing League just raced at Hungary in the rain, where the temperature was 2 degrees

I checked and it wasn't even raining during BRL race yesterday. Can a person who lives in Budapest confirm if it actually rained or not, at 20:20 ?
medal 5000
12 years 59 days ago
tracks like Britain / Germany / Hungry

You were Hungry, you ate an "A". :)
medal 5000
12 years 58 days ago

tracks like Britain / Germany / Hungry

You were Hungry, you ate an "A". :)

Oooops.. yey.. I was.. nom nom nom nom :D
medal 5165
12 years 58 days ago
I see more whining than actual ideas.
medal 5000
12 years 58 days ago
Why not just have a minimum temperature? Leave weather as-is, but if the actual temperature is below the mimimum, then the temperature for the race would be set at that minimum.
medal 5000
12 years 58 days ago
I see more whining than actual ideas.

You seriously are a know it all arn't you... with very little to say except crap like that.... Go name drop your best mates in another post please and leave the replies to people like Edwin who seem to have some maturaty about them.

And Andy.. I can understand what you mean, but the only issue with that is that you would still have to code it so it doesn't drop below that temp, which could cause more issues than making a whole new system.

Putting in a basic weather format would make a good foundation to build this game in to the game it should be.

I know I could save a lot by paying a whole year at once or even waiting for the specials... but I honestly believe that this could be the best browser game out there..
So I perfer to pay each month to help iGP develop, but allas, we wait and wait for not very much at all.

I have spoken with Ethan who is in the same league as myself and we have given it until the start of March... No changes and we will be cancelling subs and leaving until it's fixed.

PS.. Read my post David and you'll see more ideas in this post than all of yours combined.. All you ever do is "I spoke with "Name drop a dev" my bestist buddie and we was talking about blagh blagh... and it ends the same way with each of your posts.. Nothing is happening, you know not a lot and post idiotic posts like that.. Grow up and grow some.. Then you might get actual friends.. Until then.. Jog on!!
medal 5000
12 years 58 days ago

As far as I am concerned, real world weather adds an element of uncertainty, makes more "game" and challenges the players.

This isn't reality, no one should expect it to be reality, and it would be less interesting if it was a direct mirror of F1.  If I have to run a race where I can think "oh, this wouldn't happen in real life" then perhaps I should look into all the other areas of lacking realism, of which there are many.  Or mabe I should get on with the race and work with the challenge I am offered, which everyone else is doing, and it's the same for everyone in that race.    

Setting a clearly defined weather parameter that only varies within a certain percentage just increases the chances of making a spreadsheet to log all data from given conditions and then know exactly what to expect in upcoming races. If we always know what to expect then the experience becomes dull.

This is a game, games give challenges that players have to work with.

This is just my opinion.  I only post because I see lots of opinion here and would like to note that it is not necessarily the opinion of the entire player base.
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
I´m with you jon! Good point!
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
jon im guessing you play arcade games rather then simulation :P
how i hate arcade.
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
the point is, if weather conditions were similar from season to season it can be a bit of boring -> just copy and paste from season before
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
No Lachlan, I run the site: - realism in simulation is very important to me. But fundamentally, iGP is not replicating the real world.  If it had the official FIA licence to make as realistic a management simulation of the 2012 F1 season then it could focus on realism by providing you with the weather exactly as it was in the 2012 season.  iGP is not trying to do that, and never was.

The simulation itself is pure, it puts cars on a track at the temperature that the track is at that point in time.  There is no issue with the lack of reality of the simulation for me, it is simulating how those (unspecified and not based on actual real world) cars would perform, on those (also not based on any real life data) tyres, on a given track (whose parameters for wear, grip, water retention etc are not based on any real world values, but rather approximations), at the given temperature (the only variable that is based on real world, accurate data).  If I wanted to get all excited about realism in this game, I only have to dig a little bit to realise it is not a simulation based on real life, but a simulation based on a series of variables defined by the game makers.  I love realism in games, but I am also realistic enough to recognise that ultimate realism is not easily (or financially) achievable, and that in many cases realism is the enemy of fun in video games.   

The contention here seems to be that a given race track would never have a race run on it at midnight, or in deepest winter.  However, you, me, everyone chooses to run leagues through the winter, in European evenings. As we know the rules of the game, we know that 7pm in Europe will be the middle of the night in Malaysia, we know this as well as we know that when we play chess the Bishop can only move diagonally.  We choose to play the game regardless, we work within the parameters of the game - that carries out a superb simulation of a race series that is not real, and only loosely based on a real world series - and move our pieces on the board the best way we can to win.  Many variables are unknown to us, such as how a given tyre will perform at a given temperature, but of course, if everything was known to us from the outset, we would have very little to learn, and very little ultimate fun to derive, from this game.

Now, as I say, I can only offer my opinion on this subject, and many others will differ.  But at no point when I buy a game do I assume that it should be custom made to my parameters, or assume that the game makers should change the game to better suit what my opinion of what it should be is (Whilst assuming everyone else playing must have the same opinion).  If I don't like what a game is, I stop playing it, if I am happy with it, I keep playing it.  Games are for pleasure, entertainment and supposed to be a good way of enjoying some spare time.  Thus, if they are frustrating, annoying, or even enraging, then the only answer in my mind is to stop playing them.  There are plenty of games out there to be playing instead.

medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
A well reasoned post Jon.
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
Good points you make Jon.

I don't want it to be a "Set in stone" style of weather. I like the random-ness that it does throw up.. but you can not argue points when it's 5/5 pushing and tyres are still blue.. So instead of doing 12 laps on softs with normal weather, the best thing is to do 7 or 8 laps fully pushing and run away from the field..

I want it as random as it can be, like the other games you are on about, but I have yet to come across game where the weather is such a mess, that it actually messes up races for people, cause people to quite the game and so on..

If you make a system where it can be as random as +25 Deg's C one season and then the very next it's + 16 Deg's C Heavy Rain and have changes like that each season, then you can not say that it is better than the conditions we have now..

Tonights race at Germany is -2 Heavy Rain.. It's not hard to make a setup for that, but it's still stupid to be racing like that.

Ooohh well. I am going to be messaging the help desk. I can't be bothered putting money in to something that isn't going to change.

You are right about other games. I've just put in another £30 to Goal United. :D
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
Germany : 9.30pm GMT.

-3 Deg's C Heavy rain and it's nothing but 5/5 pushing for the whole race..

I honestly can't see this being anything but an open and shut case.

With proper temps put in, it should be a game where you can not leave your seat for more than a min as your tyres will overheat or go cold.. I can't see how anybody can argue and say that this kind of racing is better.. I have sat here and not even needed to move a thing.. It's Push fully.. leave the game and wait until the end.

I know exactly fule ammounts and so on before the start of the race.. If the averages was put in to this and it came out with something randon.. Then it could be something like +10 with heavy rain. At least we could make a race out of it and turn up to not just watch the race, but to take part in it as well. but if others think that 5/5 pushing for the full 60 laps is perfectly fine.. then so be it. :(
medal 5000
12 years 57 days ago
What I don't understand is why we are talking about a new weather system? Wouldn't it be easier to change the tyre model?
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