Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 79 days ago
Sorry, not yet. Every time I want to work on something interesting at the moment,
something like
this happens.
We\'re looking to get things stable ASAP then we can focus more on other areas.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 79 days ago
And the developers were actually hoping to have a Christmas meal with their families (at the very least) - lol
It will be a tray in front of the computer then!!

Mark Lopez medal 5000 13 years 78 days ago
What type of javascript do you use? Any framework in particular ? Can u publish a code snippet where should be the problem ? Any other information that can be relevant. Its javascript object oriented ? How does the request is made (ajax,refresh...) ? If you can reply me the above question illl may be abr to help

Matt Kingsbury medal 5000 13 years 78 days ago
i can check on my iphone 4s tommorrow once i get it activated if that helps

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 78 days ago
What type of javascript do you use? Any framework in particular ? Can u publish a code snippet where should be the problem ? Any other information that can be relevant. Its javascript object oriented ? How does the request is made (ajax,refresh...) ? If you can reply me the above question illl may be abr to help
We use jQuery and it\'s pretty much all object oriented as a result.
The request to display the race is made via an ajax refresh, yes. The vast majority of the code is in these two files:
The liveContent() function is the one used to refresh the live timing. As you can imagine I\'m quite busy with other aspects of the game at the moment, so this has taken a back seat. I\'ll still be reading any posts though.

Mihai Bogdan medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
Jack if you want the ajax from jquery to work on an mobile version you need to use jquery-mobile library not the jquery-core library.
If you need some help on developing the Live Timings on the mobile interface pm and we can discus about it :)
Let me now if you need help :P

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 77 days ago
I wasn\'t aware they had a mobile version, I\'ll probably switch to that on mobiles. Still, AFAIK I shouldn\'t need to use that as opposed to regular jQuery. It\'s all just JavaScript, so it\'s not like one will load on a mobile and the other won\'t. During beta testing our live timing was running on an iPhone and seems to have gone wrong somewhere. I have a suspicion that it\'s something to do with the cache size available on these phones, and it\'s not letting us load in the JavaScript because it\'s too much data.
I could be wrong, because I haven\'t had time to investigate it. But when I searched for people with similar issues the cache one cropped up a few times.
My understanding of the problem is that the JavaScript isn\'t loading in the first place, the phone is rejecting it all for some reason.

Mihai Bogdan medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
Ive seen a lot of people with the same problem like yours . And they solved the problem changing to mobile version.
Alsow when you request the data from the server you serve the data all formated ready for insert in the DOM. If i have to chose what type of data to return ive retrive an
JSON and format the data on the client this way you can reduce the amount of data that is requested from the server. Now you are requesting all the time the full chart of the data . With the json you may request only the data that you realy need and then insert them were you like.
Any way if you like to keep discusing about this problem i think is better to discus on the gtalk its a lot faster xD than the forum
Yahoo: hotobog@yahoo.es
Gtalk: mbogdan217@gmail.com

Christian Rothe medal 5000 13 years 4 days ago
Any news for iPhone Users? Tried to take part via iPhone some days ago but it's still not working :-( Regarding the test link above: Is it possible to find out the race number before the race to be prepared?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 4 days ago
The only news at the moment is that we will definitely be doing a dedicated mobile version of iGP for the Q2 patch. It lost the vote this time around (Q1) but it will be in the Q2 update.

Roeland W medal 5000 13 years 4 days ago
When is the Q1 update expected?

Horse White medal 5000 13 years 4 days ago
It's expected on the 1st April.

Christian Rothe medal 5000 13 years 3 days ago
Aha! Great news. Thx Jack!

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 3 days ago
Just to be extra clear, since I think some will be confused, the dedicated mobile version is not coming for April 1. It will be in the patch after that, and we will aim to launch it during the second quarter, at some time during April - June.

Aidan Keränen medal 5000 12 years 357 days ago
i'm guessing you won't be needing any help anymore then?
always happy to

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 357 days ago
We'll be going mobile as one of the top priorities of the Q2 patch. Any assistance would still be appreciated, as I'm totally new to mobile platforms and have no experience developing for them.
PM me if interested.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 350 days ago
I have an iPod, so I could try and see if I can help with the Q2 patch, if need be. I also have a Samsung Galaxy S2, so if there needs testing done on non-apple products, then I'll give it a go on my phone :)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 350 days ago
I decided to get a cheap Android tablet to test on for the next patch, which will make testing iGP on tablets and mobiles a lot easier. :)
We'll also be starting up a more thorough beta testing programme for Q2, and inviting a bunch of mobile users to accelerate mobile development.

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 348 days ago
I was wondering about Blackberrys i can view live timings but cant veiw the race its self i assume its down to the phone not have enough memory to run the image. but was wondering if when the free user controls come into play will it allow me to use them on my blackberry???

Mark Evans medal 5000 12 years 342 days ago
Jack, I have no expertise but do have a number of ios devices which I can test on, and regularly watch live timing on ios (using Atomic Web browser pretending to be IE 8 - no sign of the chat/control features, but I've not had the 2D version working on Mac either… let me know if I can help