Aaron Lynch medal 5000 11 years 348 days ago
So let me comprehend why I was kicked, getting a 2nd/pole postion in quali then getting 2nd place. I'm shocked at this childishness just because someone is a higher level than you, believe it or not I raced as a 'newbie' against level 10's and crap, you didn't see me complain on the forums did you? All of this is just nonsense and someone should just lock this thread as it seems pointless going on and on about someone being faster than you. Im through with this, it's alright to kick me from the league because you think I'm too fast for it, but to go onto the forums looking for an argument is a little over the top don't you think.

David Seward medal 5000 11 years 348 days ago (edited 11 years 348 days ago)
Aaron, I did not know he kicked you. Sorry.
Vincente Salas made a (short) good point that I probably could have made in the same fashion instead of all this long-post-stuff. All of the previously noted players from my first post that were of higher level always joined at least 24 hours before our race day and it was not enough time for Greg to react and see it. To all of us (in the league), this looked bad. I hope you can see where we are coming from.
Once Qualifying rolled around a new competitor that was not seen prior... he would destroy us all. By then it would be too late and he could do fewer stints in a race, pull faster times overall... all while being on the best tire. It didn't seem rookie level to most of us. The guy that I am competing against for DC was the first and only player to have KERS mid-season and it helps him marginally. Nobody complained, it only made us work harder :)
Personally I want you back in the league, so does Greg. Considering what we've been through... having to deal with cheap players, it's a misunderstanding on our part, and especially mine.
BTW, I think you would have won had you not done a strange 4th pitstop with 4 laps to go :P

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 11 years 347 days ago
I've made request to Jack about an Application Entry for leagues who wish for it, I am uncertain if or when it will be implimented.