Eric Dias medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
This is becoming embarrassing... RACE NOT OPEN here:

Simon Melhuish medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Make that reconnect #8 now within two minutes.
Glad to see mine and many others yearly subscription is going towards stable servers.

Eric Dias medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
This is ridiculous. Cant connect on live race, just seeing on mobile live timing, and can't do anything!!!

Ditlev Errebo medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Good old iGP, always reliable. I can't believe all of these server issues still haven't been taken care of.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
I am sorry to see that you are having trouble. I can assure you that we are doing all we can. This is not a hardware issue.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Is it any better? It is for me

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Appologies for the lag and connection issues. This is related to load on the system. There is always a spike in players connecting to live races on Sunday evenings but it has been particularly bad today.
We are developing upgrades to the system that can support much larger numbers of players.
If you would still like your race to be rescheduled/rerun please could you ask your league host to send me a PM with the request.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Thank you Andrew. Rob has one which he is going to send to you

Tony Mays medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
This has been going on for days Andrew not just today , This is not just a Sunday evening spike. We've had it for 3 days straight something has changed to make this like it.
Seriously this needs sorting out.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
I know that Tony. The guys have been working flat out.
The bit I don't quite understand is that nothing has been changed, but anyway, the guys are on it
& I am sorry about the issues, but you can rest assured that the resource is being focused on the right areas

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Yeh I can well understand the frustration as it looks like the problems are not being addressed. But actually the game is more stable than before and as the load increases so the problems re-occur. As the problem is due to the load on the system it cannot be 'taken of-line' to be fixed - I only wish it could.
It is unfortunate that a few managers get so annoyed they leave because of the problems with two or three games. If you are playing daily that is surely of little significance when you look at the overall fun in the league. It is affecting everyone, so we all have the same problems. :(

Tony Mays medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
Thanks for the fast responses gents , It is frustrating for people especially if they are doing well in a champ. I don't understand people leaving because of it as we have gone quite a long period since this occured. But it's one of the basic things that needs sorting out permanently or people will continue to leave the game which will be sad.
Thanks for the hard work and effort I know that people are putting in to get this right and thanks for the explanation.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 171 days ago
This is another argument for eveyone to have the 2D and iGP to create a full subscription package that includes extra content for the team / drivers / staff / sponcers / telemetry and a lot more extra content that give the advantage away from the track.
This will reduce the rage quit issues and will keep more people in iGP...