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Full Throttle Racing

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medal 5000
3 years 295 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 292 days ago)
Part 0 : Introduction
An Igp Manager guide by me aiming to help you learn how to do things .I tried to give straight up instructions in some areas while in others i let you find the anwser alone
SPECIAL THANKS to : Mark Pirie, Simone Villa ,Joe Smith ,Mountain Dew Camacho, Ian Wharam for providing me feed back and helping me create this guide
This guide was created during the period of March-April 2021 during the 3D update (4.003 build 409 ). It might need editing in the future
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 292 days ago)
Part 1:Finances
Money runs the world IGP Manager is no different. Managing finances is an easy thing to do
Income :
There are two main sources of income : sponsors and investments. Sponsors give a you certain amount of tokens or  money per race and an extra amount of money if you beat your race  objective
Sponsors to choose WTF1

Why those sponsors : gives you 3 tokens per race. Tokens give you flexibility in your choices because  you can  buy parts  engines and  money (more on that below) 
WTF1  gives the biggest amount of income (guaranteed money)
The second way to get money is through investments. You buy money with Tokens .  as a primary sponsor and WTF1 +investments are the best choice to get money 
Expenses :
You spend money on many things.In some areas you have to spend money only once like Headquarters and Technology  . After you finish upgrading they dont have any running costs while in other areas you have to spend money every race
Wages : Most of your money are spent in your drivers and staff. Everytime you renew their contracts their wages are increased 
A tip to keep staff members and drivers coming from the market wages low is to sell them and rebuy them every 10 seasons. To do that First you need to shortlist them(you don't want to lose them) . Then quick sells them and buy them back
Cars : Supplers cost you some money per race. The cheapest choices are cosurworthit (engines) , chavon (fuel), komehome (tyres), however this choices will not give you the best bonuses as some other most expensive options. Use them in the end of the season when promotion or the title is already over 
Debt :Its important to keep your team to the positives. If your team is on debt some problems will occur. You cant upgrade your hq, while manufacturing will produce half the parts it usually does. You will also not be able to sign new drivers or staff .To get out of debt sign the above sponsors  sell your drivers and staff and replace them with the cheapest possible (cheap=low level)

medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago
Part 2 :Headquarters
Headquarters or hq are 6 different building each having its own purpose. The higher the level of the building the more effective it will be. 
The maximum level hq can be, equals the level of the manager , every time the manager levels up the hq maximum level increases as well
What each building do :
Design :After each race it produces design points that can be used to upgrade the car
Level of the facility =Design points per race
Manufacturing : Produces and stores parts that can be used to repair the car
Level of facility =Parts produced per race
Offices and hospitality :Raises staff morale
Level of facility =Staff morale 
Simulator :Makes training more effective
After each upgrade training becomes % more effective 
Technology :Increases the maximum level of boost and DRS. The upgrades are purchased separately
Level of facility =Level of Kers and DRS(after purchase) 
Youth academy :It generates young drivers
Drivers cost one gold to generate and 15 gold to promote (only after the promotion the driver is usable and can't be trained or race)
The higher the level the more chances of a level 20 driver to generate 
The order you should upgrade them :Design - Manufacturing - Technology - Youth academy - Simulator - Offices. Its important that you always upgrading something!!! 
Rookies : Start upgrading them immediately following the above order Upgrading Design - Technology - Manufacturing is crucial. You should always upgrade them. The other three building are not necessarily to upgrade at this point 
Pro: Keep upgrading the Design - Technology - Manufacturing to the Max level if you can. if you are done start upgrading the Simulator and the youth academy as well 
Elite : Upgrade everything as simple as that following the above orde
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 267 days ago)
Part 3 : Drivers and Training
Drivers :
Driver Attributes are split into 3 categories all have an effect on drivers pace. If you click on an attribute you can see what it does. The biggest effect on pace have the physical attributes followed by the driving ability and then mental abilities

Training : The younger the driver the fastest he will grow. After each training session the driver will lose condition( make sure that a driver has 100 condition going into a race). You can train your driver  individually on physical driving ability or mental by switching the drill in the training menu
Training procedure :You must train the drivers physical attributes first after a driver reaches minimum weight and 20 stamina you can train driving ability after the attributes are maxed out move on to mental
If your driver is above your level (his stars color will be red) his training will be really slow (3% increase per training)

Contract: You can extend your driver's contract by 50 races. Every time you will do it wages will be increased (the same is applied to staff members)
What should you do :
Rookies :Don't change your drivers every time you level up, wait. Try and find young drivers with high talent (above 10) then follow the train procedure. You can find them in the market or you can shortlist drivers from other managers in higher levels and tiers.If you don't find two drivers that's okay one is enough for now. A driver might seem really good to you but AVOID GETTING INTO A BIDDING WAR IN THE TRANSFER MARKET it doesn't worth it
Pro: Find young drivers with high talent (above 15 ideally 20 its really important ) and follow the training procedure. Both drivers need to be decent to this point. Keep adding drivers on your shortlist
Elite :At this point buying drivers from the market or your shortlist might be expensive ideally you should have a decent young drivers academy(at least level 15 the chances of finding a talent 20 drivers are reletavly good . Promote a driver and train him/her. They should at least have physical and driving ability above 15 before racing them. Having a driver with 20 talent is necessary in elite

medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 294 days ago)
Part 4 :Staff and next season car
Staff members have attributes but they don't really matter. Their performance is determined by stars.
Chief Designer : CD have a strength and an weakness that have an affect both on car design and research. CD main job is to design next seasons car. After each race they generate a certain amount of design points. For a level 20 account with 5 stars CD they generate 3 design and points in strength 1 design point in weakness and 2 design points in everything else. So if the CD has Acceleration as strength and cooling as weakness and the season length is 20 races the car in the beginning of next season will have 20X3=60 Acceleration
20X1=20 Cooling and 20X2=40 everything is else
CD have an affect on research as well. Research on CD strength is 10% stronger and on weakness is 50% weaker As you can see CD strength and weaknesses is important.
Ideally you want a CD with acceleration as it's stenght but both Braking and Handling are really good. As weakness you want reliability or cooling if but tire economy can work too. You can have multiple CD to have a more balanced car or just one to have a bigger boost in one attribute,
Technical Director :TD is playing a big role in research... That's it
Ideally you want both CD and TD  to be 4-5 stars anything below that will be bad
Doctor :Doctors reduce the health a driver is losing after each training session with a 5 star doctor after each training season a driver will lose 10 health. One decrease in stars equals one increase on driver health per training so 4 stars 11 health and so on
Anything above 4 stars is good on doctor but it has a minor effect so If you don't have one don't worry
After you finish training your driver you should sell you doctor and buy a cheap one (less than 2 Stars)
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 292 days ago)
Part 5 :Suppliers Research and Repairs
Suppliers :Suppliers give small bonuses. You have three suppliers fuel engine and tires. Suppliers have different costs and give different bonuses.

Research : Research is used to close the gap between your car and the best car throughout the season.
Research power:The percentage shows how much of the deficit to the top car you will gain per race. You can research multiple attributes but the more areas you research the lower the gains 
Maximum Researching power is determined by your CD and TD stars compined. The maximum if both CD and TD are 5 stars is 40% for a level 20 manager. Maximum Research decreases by 5% as you level up (45& for level 19 50& for level 18)
Its important to remember that CD strength and weakness affect research power. Researching on CD stenght makes research 10% stronger while on weakness it makes research 50% weaker
Research strategy : Try to use and both reseasch and deisgn points improving your car. Use them both in one attibute if you think that will help you in the next race or use them in a different attribute to gain in multiple areas. Try and research on 1 (or more) of the big 4 attributes
Repairs: After each race your car and your engine will lose some of their durability. You can use parts and engines to repair then. Parts are generated by your HQ but you can buy from the shop as well. You can repair your can only if you have the parts required. That means that if for example you have half the parts required the car will not get repaired half the way. It's important to remember that as you level up you will need more parts to repair your cars
Repair strategy : Car condition doesn't have a major effect on pace. As long as you have more than 40 % condition (below that your car might breaks out and retire). So ideally you want to repair your cars every 1-2 races
A tip: Because cars get automatically repaired when a new season starts. Don't repair your cars in the last 2 races of the season this way you can save up to 40 parts (ideally have at least 40 in reliability to minimize the risk to break down or just don't repair your car only in the last race)
Engines :10 engines per car are given every 20 races but you can buy more from the store . To repair you car you need one engine no matter what is the durability. Engines have a major effect on pace but in rookie and pro is better to repair your car every 2 races and not spend tokens to buy more. In elite however repairing your engine every race is crucial 
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 294 days ago)
Part 6 : Car
 I know what you thinking car must be important in a racing game and you are right it is. Depending on your staff members and the races of the previous season you car will have certain values in car attibutes in the start of the season (more on that on staff)
After the first race ends you can spend Design points generated by your Hq to upgrade one of the eight attributes. You can spend your points however you want although it is important to make your car fast so ideally you want to spend your Design points in a certain manner.
The eight attributes
Acceleration : How fast your car accelerates the higher the value the quickest the acceleration (all cars have the same top speed its not directly affected by acceleration although having high acceleration will help you reach higher speeds more often) Acceleration is the most important attribute.
Braking : How much braking distance  you need heading to a corner. Higher braking is smaller braking distance.Along with Handling is the second best attribute
Handling : How fast can you go  while turning in slow and medium corners and on slippery surfaces. Higher handling  the better the car handles. Along with braking is the second best attribute
Downforce : How fast can you go while turning in a high speed corner. The higher the number the fastest you go in high speed corners. It is the fourth best attribute
Fuel Economy :How much fuel your car consumes. Fuel economy has an effect on qualifying and pitstop timing. Higher number means lower fuel prices consumption Some people say that it is tied with Downforce as the fourth best attibure some say it is the fifth best.
Tire economy :How much your tires wear :It has a minor effect (but an effect nevertheless) Higher tire economy means more tire durability. It is the sixth best attibure
Reliability :How much your car wears down during a race. No effect on pace but important in parts needing to repair. Higher reliability the better the car condition after the race. Along with cooling the worst attributes.
Cooling :How much your engine wears outside during a race :No effect on pace. Higher cooling the less durability the engine after the race. Along with reliability the worst attribute
In short the order is Acceleration >Braking =Handling >Downforce >≈ Fuel economy >Tire economy > Reliability =Cooling
The first 3 have the bigger effect on pace ideally you should upgrade one if not all of them first. Then is  Downforce it has a big effect on pace too. Those for attributes are often called the big 4.Fuel economy is important too.Then the other three attributes are not very important
When upgrading is important that your car is suited for the cirquit you will race. You can check that in next race menu it's called car compatibility
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 267 days ago)
Part 7 :Next race
Setup: Setup is divided into three areas suspension ride height and wing level. Setup is affected by the rain but it remains the same through seasons (assuming same weather conditions dry-light rain-heavy rain and driver)
Suspension :3 options soft medium and firm. Suspension is affected by road bumpiness. It's not affected by the weather
Ride height and Wing level change as you get promoted from rookie to pro and to elite. It's getting doubled (±1) . In rookie the number values from 1-20 in pro 1-50 and to elite 1-100. Ride height is affected by weather
Ride height is also affected by driver height. The taller a driver is the lower the ride height
Setups provided by Mark Pirie rookie pro elite .Use the setups below as a guide
Australia N 9 5 19 10 38 20
Malaysia N 6 2 12 5 23 10
China N 2 4 5 8 10 15
Bahrain F 4 1 8 3 15 5
Spain S 2 6 5 13 10 25
Monaco S 11 10 22 20 43 40
Turkey N 6 4 13 8 25 15
Britain 19 F 4 2 9 3 18 5
Britain 09 F 6 2 12 3 23 5
Germany N 4 4 8 8 15 15
Hungary S 5 7 10 15 20 30
Europe S 6 6 12 13 23 25
Belgium N 6 4  12 9 23 17
Italy F 6 1  12 1 23 1 
Singapore S 9 8 17 16 33 32
Japan S 6 7 12 13 23 25
Brazil N 4 4 8 8 15 15
Abu dhabi N 6 2  13 5 25 10
France N 8 4  17 8 33 15
Austria F 4 2 9 3 18 5
Canada F 4 1  9 1 18 1
Azerbaijan N 8 2 17 5 33 10
Mexico N 3 4 7 8 13 15
Russia N 2 4 4 8 8 15
USA N 2 3 4 6 8 12

If its raining 0.1 to 3.9mm add 25 to each setup value or +5 mm rain add 50 to each setup (elite).Add 12 if raining in pro if raining .Add 6 to rookie if raining

Practice :You have 5 laps to find setup and collect the data regarding tires and fuel. Keep an eye on the temperature and the rain level it will help you make better strategy decisions. Take practice times with a pinch of salt, lap times often not represented actual pace
Adavced strategy : If you are not live on a race AI is controlling your Kers and tires (if the weather changes). Advanced strategy helps you deal with that.More on that in this amazing guide by Gustavo Heiden
Strategy :Initially I was planning to write about the strategy as well but  Gerard VC  have already created an amazing guide  about strategy- tires. Parts 5,7,8 are really good
Gustavo's Guide :
Gerard's Guide :
medal 5000
3 years 294 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 294 days ago)
Part 8 : Conclusion
Thank you for reading my guide i hope you found it helpful. If you have any correction future suggestions or any other feedback write it below (be civil).
Before I finish i want to do some shameless self promotion.Join my league if ya want
League not found or inactive 
medal 5000
3 years 292 days ago (Last edited by akis s 3 years 267 days ago)
Part 9 :Futher reading 
2 very good guides by Joey McLane created in 2017
Gerard VC :Tips to have success
Gustavo Heiden :Advanced Strategy
The Greek version of the guide
medal 5000
3 years 288 days ago
medal 5000
3 years 286 days ago
Join ?
medal 5000
3 years 277 days ago
Join now 
medal 5000
3 years 266 days ago
All stats are updated up to season 79 and the guide is now available in Greek 
medal 5000
3 years 264 days ago
Places are available 
medal 5000
3 years 213 days ago
1 elite spot available 
medal 5000
3 years 165 days ago
Anyone wanna join pro 
medal 5000
3 years 85 days ago
Season 90 starts soon . And it will include a new championship and the second season of the new cup. An update in the stats is on its way also
medal 5000
3 years 68 days ago
New season will start tomorrow. The custom cup and championship are here for another season. And an update to the stats will come the next few days
medal 5000
3 years 52 days ago

 And an update to the stats will come the next few days

That didn't age well, I will do it will be delayed that's all. New season starting BTW 

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