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Supplier attributes launched

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11 years 48 days ago
I'm with Eric on this, that's a really good idea, it would give all the users a fresh chance to experiment and see what works for them.
11 years 48 days ago
alright even the new update is broken :/ 
1: Murk is way faster, although the stats say diffrent (toy motor should be faster/just as fast)
2: the tires degrade just as fast on bridgerock (stat 2) as on Donelots (stat 5)

I've done 1 race and already have 2/3 suplies that don't work come on :/
11 years 48 days ago
I'm starting to think only the numbers on the partners page were changed, and the numbers in the simulator kept the same
11 years 48 days ago
If this is true about Donelots wearing the same as Bridgerock I've changed supplier for no reason
11 years 48 days ago
If this is true about Donelots wearing the same as Bridgerock I've changed supplier for no reason

I'm going back to my old supllies, seemes like nothing changed in the simulator.

5241 CEO & CTO
11 years 48 days ago (edited 11 years 48 days ago)
What might need refining are the descriptions supplied for the attributes. I can see how one would conclude that Toy Motor would be as fast/faster, based on the descriptions. But the descriptions were added post-update, to show what things impact, not how.

For example, I would say that (based on your findings) Power has more influence over power, than responsiveness, even though they both influence it. So power+responsiveness to determine power output is not the best method, but I can see how with the descriptions for both being the same you could be led to that conclusion. But if we knew exactly how they all impact everything right away then it's an obvious "this one is the best and I am done with the update" choice, never to look at it again. But the variables are more complex than that.

I don't mean to sound defensive, but I've lost count of the amount of times someone has basically said "I didn't do as well I hoped so it's a bug". I can assure you the simulator is using the new attributes. But even I don't know exactly how each variable impacts the simulation, I can only pass on what they impact from the sim developers. They told me what the attributes impact, but didn't say how much or to what extent. I don't think it's exactly linear, and that's the only information I can give to help put the puzzle together.
11 years 48 days ago
What might need refining are the descriptions supplied for the attributes. I can see how one would conclude that Toy Motor would be as fast/faster, based on the descriptions. But the descriptions were added post-update, to show what things impact, not how.

For example, I would say that (based on your findings) Power has more influence over power, than responsiveness, even though they both influence it. So power+responsiveness to determine power output is not the best method, but I can see how with the descriptions for both being the same you could be led to that conclusion. But if we knew exactly how they all impact everything right away then it's an obvious "this one is the best and I am done with the update" choice, never to look at it again. But the variables are more complex than that.

I don't mean to sound defensive, but I've lost count of the amount of times someone has basically said "I didn't do as well I hoped so it's a bug". I can assure you the simulator is using the new attributes. But even I don't know exactly how each variable impacts the simulation, I can only pass on what they impact from the sim developers. They told me what the attributes impact, but didn't say how much or to what extent. I don't think it's exactly linear, and that's the only information I can give to help put the puzzle together.

Some folk need to just calm down. everyone wants new things but when they come in. Moan Moan Moan that its not working to the extreme that you want.

Give it a chance. once everyone starts messing with there supliers more it might turn out that your slower on certain races than other, But then again the moans will come in about theres a bug because i was fighting at the front on bahrain for example but when we go round spa i cant keep up with the front runner.

11 years 48 days ago
What might need refining are the descriptions supplied for the attributes. I can see how one would conclude that Toy Motor would be as fast/faster, based on the descriptions. But the descriptions were added post-update, to show what things impact, not how.

For example, I would say that (based on your findings) Power has more influence over power, than responsiveness, even though they both influence it. So power+responsiveness to determine power output is not the best method, but I can see how with the descriptions for both being the same you could be led to that conclusion. But if we knew exactly how they all impact everything right away then it's an obvious "this one is the best and I am done with the update" choice, never to look at it again. But the variables are more complex than that.

I don't mean to sound defensive, but I've lost count of the amount of times someone has basically said "I didn't do as well I hoped so it's a bug". I can assure you the simulator is using the new attributes. But even I don't know exactly how each variable impacts the simulation, I can only pass on what they impact from the sim developers. They told me what the attributes impact, but didn't say how much or to what extent. I don't think it's exactly linear, and that's the only information I can give to help put the puzzle together.

yes Jack I'd share your opinion if it wasn't for me loosing out 1 second per lap because of my supliers, while on paper they were fastest, alright that could be fair cause I gained a bit in other attributes like better fuel or less tire degredation right? nope, exactly the same came in 1 lap early just like all others and my tire degredation was exactly the same as someone with the stat for it 3 points lower. 
Don't say me it's intended to have all this cause that'd be a lie, it's suppose to be balanced! You're just moving the problem ahead, 1 dominant supply again and everyone will use it :S
11 years 48 days ago
Yuri, you look at one race and make up your conclusion while it can behave completely different at other tracks. Give it time and then make your conclusion.
11 years 48 days ago
I understand that this is a big change, but surely we are going to need to do more than one race in order to make any kind of judgement.

I would have thought that a whole seasons worth of data would be enough to make a start, but not after one race
11 years 48 days ago
I understand that this is a big change, but surely we are going to need to do more than one race in order to make any kind of judgement.

I would have thought that a whole seasons worth of data would be enough to make a start, but not after one race

so what do we do then? wait a couple of years to bring another update just like everything else in this game?
11 years 48 days ago
Now you're just not being reasonable anymore. A season is often 17 days for you so that's just over two weeks of seeing what it does. And so what if you are suddenly slower than others? I really don't think everybody switched suppliers right away and that makes it impossible to see where it is going. Also take in account how long an engine will last for example. Who knows what the 2nd race with an engine does compared to others. Who knows what tyres with a wider range do when it's hot, they are pushed for longer periods etc. There's so many things that can be different which makes it impossible to judge after one single race.

Just because you do that, it's no reason to go ranting against the staff.
11 years 48 days ago
Toy motor acceleration better? in BRL again old suppliers on pole and toy motor (10 response) on Jasons' car outside of the top 20
come on take it as you will, but this update is just as lacky and buggy as a lot of the stuff in the game is. I've been quit about this a very long time but the praped, qualottery and random bugs that never have been fixed like the kers at start :/

11 years 48 days ago
Two of us switched to Toy Motor tonight for BRL, which according to the stats should be a CLEAR winner for Monaco. One of us qualified 21/26 while the other one qualified 28/30..... we are between 0.8 and 1.3 seconds off the pace from pole, who is still on the old combination of murk/beep/bridgestone.
11 years 48 days ago
Two of us switched to Toy Motor tonight for BRL, which according to the stats should be a CLEAR winner for Monaco. One of us qualified 21/26 while the other one qualified 28/30..... we are between 0.8 and 1.3 seconds off the pace from pole, who is still on the old combination of murk/beep/bridgestone.

bridgerock you n00b XD
11 years 48 days ago
And qualifying with old suppliers on a low position never happened at monaco. Uhuh. :)

Also consider this. The Murk engine consumed almost 2L more over a 25% race in one of my races today. The Murk has an economy of 5 instead of the 8 it had before. So what does that do with longer races and more fuel efficient engines? Less fuel also means faster laptimes.

It seems to me you are focussing on "power is everything" and don't even consider things might be different with another focus. You just can't compare something after one single race, even though you seem to think otherwise.
11 years 48 days ago
Why should Toy Motor be the clear better one at monaco? Both power and response have influence on the acceleration and speed but in what way? It's impossible to say power is the same as response.
11 years 48 days ago
Why should Toy Motor be the clear better one at monaco? Both power and response have influence on the acceleration and speed but in what way? It's impossible to say power is the same as response.

yes Tjerk very balanced the new update.... I used to be just like you 
11 years 48 days ago
sorry if I seemed a bit rude before, when I read it myself I realised it was being a little rude, but I still mean everything I said, done 3 races now and watched 1 all had the same problem
11 years 48 days ago
And qualifying with old suppliers on a low position never happened at monaco. Uhuh. :)

Also consider this. The Murk engine consumed almost 2L more over a 25% race in one of my races today. The Murk has an economy of 5 instead of the 8 it had before. So what does that do with longer races and more fuel efficient engines? Less fuel also means faster laptimes.

It seems to me you are focussing on "power is everything" and don't even consider things might be different with another focus. You just can't compare something after one single race, even though you seem to think otherwise.

is this real life..
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