Archie Bald medal 5376 3 years 315 days ago (Last edited by
Archie Bald 3 years 315 days ago)
Look, I’ve said my piece, this wasn’t meant as an argument, I just don’t think this was needed. You can say it wasn’t targeted at anyone all you like, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work it out, even now Forty can’t make up their mind whether it was meant as a plural or one specific manager.
Kevin, as a moderator I just think you shouldn’t have got involved. You could quite easily message said person if you were unhappy with them, and explain that. I completely agree with some of the things said about developers etc, I replied saying as much directly to him.
If you don’t like someone’s views, ignore them, or respond to them, that’s everyone’s choice. Just not a fan of targeting people with things like this, better ways to deal with it
Dude are you just so hard headed you can’t stop yourself? Read to understand before jumping on threads.
“Please add a block button. There are some
managers that are just so hard headed that deserve to be blocked.
It’s not fair being forced to see all
their ridiculous posts ?.”
What part of that don’t you understand as plural?
Is there any other language I can write in to make you understand my OP was not specific to anyone manager? In my case anything targeted was for reference as to why I suggested a block button. This also came ‘
AFTER’ the fact and was well deserved ‘at the time’!!!
I’ll say it again, if there was a mute button then I’d mute you and save myself this hassle!