Igor Barinoff medal 4981 3 years 237 days ago (Last edited by
Igor Barinoff 3 years 237 days ago)
Downvote, A league host could easily send his friend who hasn’t ever played the game and is a level 1 to elite. They could also if they don’t like a manager send them to rookie, this would be insanely abused and
Then let them take away the right to remove players from the league. this button is useless. The league will automatically remove inactive players. I can still promote league members in groups using bots. How convenient it is or not is another question. I am grateful that I was removed from the league after the first race. I created the league two years ago. Where is that league now, it is not. My league is alive and well. I always ask the members if they are ready to move into the elite at level 14? Because the elite is level 20 and it will be difficult for them.