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Race not open / Connection problem

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medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 79 days ago
FYI we've been making great progress on the service stability issues and identified the causes of this weeks crashes. We will be adding patches for those in to the update coming in the next couple of weeks.

I must remind you that until then, we're still going to be running the same version of the software, so the issues may reoccur until the updates are released.

We're confident we've identified why races are restarting when the service goes down though, and should be able to address this along with the updates to reduce / eliminate lag.
medal 5000
10 years 74 days ago
Tonight's race at Brasil started.
With 2 thirds made, restarted....
With the restarted race already 3 or 4 laps to its end,  crashed again.
"race not open" was the final message and postponed for tomorrow was the final result.
Nevertheless expenses (car assembly) were taken.
And i lost here almost 2 hours here for nothing. Watching the same race twice and never ending to be postponed...
Tomorrow wont even see it.
No comments. Its too much.
medal 5016
10 years 74 days ago (edited 10 years 74 days ago)
Hi Jack,
Estrategia F1 Brasil crashed just after few seconds from the start and it's still "race not open" one hour after.

EDIT: Ok, now it's been too long to resume things in a normal way, so I'm asking you to postpone race.
Please and thank you.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 74 days ago (edited 10 years 74 days ago)
Sorry to hear that Angelo and Alex. I know your leagues have experienced several problems lately. I have postponed the races.

As stated previously the issue may reoccur until the updates to the service are released. We're expecting to launch the updates to the service on December 1st, and we're working day and night to achieve that target. I've just come back to continue coding on the solution at 1:15am, having done nothing else this week. We're really putting everything in to completing these updates ASAP.

I wish fixing a problem was as simple as identifying it, but there's a lot of work involved in this particular update. We're completely restructuring our service, with completely new tools to manage the service on the back-end. This should greatly improve latency (no more warping / rewinding cars), prevent mid-race restarts in the event of a service restart, and if anything does happen we've got much better tools to handle it, even remotely. All our energy is going in to service improvements, because this is the single most important factor in your experience.

I understand the frustration the current iteration of the software has caused everyone for too long. I can't thank you enough for your patience as we've been developing the necessary patches; we're almost there. Just another 10 or so days on this version of the simulator.
medal 5000
10 years 73 days ago
Just Happend to my Game, and TBH I'm not to happy i was on for the win, and now the chance of winning could be gone
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 70 days ago
I'm working on it.
medal 5000
10 years 70 days ago

It sounds like you know something has just gone BOOM..

Lap 44 / 55 Abu Dhabi and it's dropped and now we are back at lap 1 again.

Can we have a re-set please.
medal 5000
10 years 70 days ago
League "SUPER ONE CUP" has this problem... plz fix
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 70 days ago
League "SUPER ONE CUP" has this problem... plz fix

I manually postponed that league a moment ago noticing that it was in "stasis" (had crashed and wasn't resuming).
medal 5000
10 years 70 days ago

League "SUPER ONE CUP" has this problem... plz fix

I manually postponed that league a moment ago noticing that it was in "stasis" (had crashed and wasn't resuming).

Ah okay, good to know that you are fixing this problem :)
medal 5000
10 years 70 days ago
Not to add to the ongoing issues but we have just seen this too.

Also all parts for the GP were changed an finances have been charged but the race made it to lap 11 an locked up.   Only Live viewer was avaiable but with no change to the laps.

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 70 days ago
Not to add to the ongoing issues but we have just seen this too.

Also all parts for the GP were changed an finances have been charged but the race made it to lap 11 an locked up.   Only Live viewer was avaiable but with no change to the laps.


Your league's race was also postponed due to the issues. Sorry about the situation.

We are releasing an update on December 1st designed to address all of the recent issues, from lag and warping cars to races restarting when the service restarts. I must ask everyone to bear with us until then on the old system, and that this may reoccur until then. I know this is not ideal, but I can only apologize currently and attempt to remedy the situation with the tools available at this time. We should see a noticeable improvement from December 1st when new administrative tools and a revised version of the software are put live.
medal 5000
10 years 68 days ago
Sorry to say but, it has happened again Jack.

Same league but about 30 mins earlier.
medal 5000
10 years 68 days ago
yes, the same here
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 68 days ago
Sorry. I've resumed all races that should have been running. As usual, hosts may request a race reset / re-run and it will be carried out.

Obviously some races may run again now that I have started them without managers in attendance, if this is the case the host can post here requesting a reset. Very much looking forward to the updates in a few days.
medal 5000
10 years 68 days ago
Could you please re-schedule ours for the next slot please Jack.

Even though it has crashed twice, when we run the last race of the season, we will have a break over the update time. So our 1st race should be a few days into it.

Bright side =)
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 68 days ago
Could you please re-schedule ours for the next slot please Jack.


I'll be back to carry out any more requests tomorrow. I'll need to sleep now though, it's almost 1am here.
medal 5000
10 years 67 days ago
I am sorry to say this Jack but it's still on crash mode.

The other issue is that it seems to stuck between 1 season and the next.

New parts / car design  have come but the race is still on going..

I think that this season might end up being scrapped.

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 67 days ago
I am sorry to say this Jack but it's still on crash mode.

The other issue is that it seems to stuck between 1 season and the next.

New parts / car design  have come but the race is still on going..

I think that this season might end up being scrapped.

Sorry, this may have happened if I didn't remove the race from the simulator, I'm assuming. There was a cached result. I will continue discussion about how you'd like to proceed on the league page. We can repair the situation, though. It's not too much trouble.
medal 5000
10 years 67 days ago happens again. this time in the wheel to wheel league...
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