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91.89% (102)
Please, for the love of god. Bring them finally
8.11% (9)
I hate helmets
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medal 5000
2 years 136 days ago
While the liveries sound like a cool idea, I’d have to agree with Giovanni that it would be expensive to license the brands and most of the main ones you listed are tobacco companies that are banned from advertising in many countries.
medal 5000
2 years 136 days ago (Last edited by Emin Zeynali 2 years 136 days ago)
You don't need enough money to draw stripes of different colors on the cars. What names players use for their teams is up to the players, not the devs. I haven't paid a single cent, either for the Benetton logo on the avatar, or for using the Euroracing and Alfa Romeo names. Not to mention using their colours. I paid 2 tokens for my livery, a copy of their 84-85 season liveries. This is the whole price. Because I'm a player, virtual team manager, not a game creator. And I'm not alone.

The point of the devs is to draw and sell those stripes. Players themselves will find the appropriate names for them. The logos are not visible on cars even today. But the legendary liveries of past years will help the creators earn good money.
medal 5493
2 years 136 days ago
Well yes. Could be a nice touch as well. But as Giovanni said, you would need much money to srcure the rights. 

Let's focus on the helmets again ??
medal 5000
2 years 136 days ago (Last edited by Emin Zeynali 2 years 136 days ago)
Fictional sponsors, suppliers and look-a-like liveries will cost devs almost nothing. Almost because of the internet bill.

But it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Some illustrations will explain more than a hundred words.














medal 5493
2 years 135 days ago

Fictional sponsors, suppliers and look-a-like liveries will cost devs almost nothing. Almost because of the internet bill.

But it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Some illustrations will explain more than a hundred words.















Nice stuff ?
medal 5000
2 years 134 days ago
Devs should see the posts above!
medal 6163
2 years 133 days ago
Teddy milfhugger, please please add this ??
I would pay 50 tokens for Janis joggler livery ❤️
medal 5000
2 years 133 days ago

Teddy milfhugger, please please add this ??
I would pay 50 tokens for Janis joggler livery ❤️

I rather fancy myself some outel outside. Was saving tokens to sign a driver but I would spend all of them on these liveries ?
medal 6163
2 years 127 days ago
I also do web and graphic design, and i am sure many of the managers here would be willing to help you with the designs, send them across to you and you can fine tune them, add your own flair etc, whatever you want to do with them. The post above has shown how easy and fun it would be with a full livery set. I would like to see a number 1 livery when you win th wdc, but you can only use it until you are dethroned.
medal 5000
2 years 126 days ago
Maybe customized race suits.
medal 5493
2 years 118 days ago
Maybe customized race suits.

Would be nice, too. So many opportunities to get our hard earned tokens ?
medal 5000
2 years 118 days ago

Maybe customized race suits.

Would be nice, too. So many opportunities to get our hard earned tokens ?

Or maybe full race wear customization?
medal 6163
2 years 118 days ago

Maybe customized race suits.

Would be nice, too. So many opportunities to get our hard earned tokens ?

They would rather waste £ on 3D and pirate hats ?
medal 5493
2 years 104 days ago (Last edited by Emerson Guattipaldi 2 years 104 days ago)
If you have enough money to buy the rights to use people's images and companies' logos(even illegal/banned ones), it's possible...

Would be too pricy for the game itself. But I'm sure here are talented artists in our ranks who could provide suitable images made by themselves. I liked the idea of Emin about the Michel Vaillant kind of Avatars. There are many possibilities to stack up the game with helmets, avatars, liveries, overalls and so on. Maybe they are brewing something up in the igp devellopers kitchen, since no one of the big wigs joined this conversation ? maybe they want it to be a big surprise ❤️?? ?

And another nice add on would be custom avatars for leagues ☺️?
medal 6163
2 years 103 days ago

If you have enough money to buy the rights to use people's images and companies' logos(even illegal/banned ones), it's possible...

Would be too pricy for the game itself. But I'm sure here are talented artists in our ranks who could provide suitable images made by themselves. I liked the idea of Emin about the Michel Vaillant kind of Avatars. There are many possibilities to stack up the game with helmets, avatars, liveries, overalls and so on. Maybe they are brewing something up in the igp devellopers kitchen, since no one of the big wigs joined this conversation ? maybe they want it to be a big surprise ❤️?? ?

And another nice add on would be custom avatars for leagues ☺️?

Problem is the game is skint, there is no money left, no one wants to invest, who can blame them considering their past so called visions and bad business choices. This thread is all little too late.
medal 4987 Moderator
2 years 103 days ago
This is a small, by financial and not player numbers, game, without P2W even, and small dev studio. Those kind of games don't have what others would call money and I see nothing why it should run out now. After all iGP Manager is still there after a decade and stronger than it was in most years, so I'm confident it will soldier on to conquer the next, because iGP Manager is run on passion and not greed. The game is the goal, not a big enough amount of revenue for next quarter. 

Still, lets cross fingers, press the thumbs or what else your culture does for that investion deal mentioned in the blog going through without further delay if you, as I do, want to see what iGP can do under full steam. Also let those ideas coming, even though I have to agree that sometimes iGP could have put that pursuit of a better game slightly more behind adding nicer incentives to spend money it just means their time is yet to come and once it does we want them as good as they can be.
medal 6163
2 years 103 days ago (Last edited by Dario Jp 2 years 101 days ago)
This is a small, by financial and not player numbers, game, without P2W even, and small dev studio. Those kind of games don't have what others would call money and I see nothing why it should run out now. After all iGP Manager is still there after a decade and stronger than it was in most years, so I'm confident it will soldier on to conquer the next, because iGP Manager is run on passion and not greed. The game is the goal, not a big enough amount of revenue for next quarter. 

Still, lets cross fingers, press the thumbs or what else your culture does for that investion deal mentioned in the blog going through without further delay if you, as I do, want to see what iGP can do under full steam. Also let those ideas coming, even though I have to agree that sometimes iGP could have put that pursuit of a better game slightly more behind adding nicer incentives to spend money it just means their time is yet to come and once it does we want them as good as they can be.

Passion can't run a successful business, it's the same as why I dont employ my friends, it just doesn't work. being a ltd company you can see a sharp decline in income, and igp is valued at £0 unfortunately. Many of the game implements have failed. Don't get me wrong the game infuriates me the direction it's taken when all it would of took is a tiny bit more listening to turn this into a profit machine. 95% of leagues are full but only less than10  active mgrs giving the illusion it's booming. I retracted my 100k investment upon research and how the money was being spent. But I'm still hopeful someone wants to invest. Cosmetics is how you make money that's basic, but for unknown bizarre reasons never materialised 

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