gareth robishaw medal 4843 8 years 357 days ago
exactly. more overtaking and more performance test for backmarker drivers

Tolé Toleman medal 5000 8 years 357 days ago
It wasn't a jok for Nascar ! I was fan of F1 since I'm born :). But now, the differences beetween the cars are really important, the same for tyres.. It seems a little better this year beetween cars, but I don't like this F1 style !
You can change the qualifying mode, mix it and re mix it, Mercedes will be faster of 1 seconde at the same
Now, I love Nascar since 3/4 years !!! That's mechanich sport !!!

James Greer medal 5000 8 years 347 days ago
So what is everyone's opinion, what team will score the lest points? mine!! :P