Mathew Ruda medal 5000 13 years 22 days ago
Thanks Jack. I really wish more game devs took the approach of iGP. +1000 respect

Lord Alexander Fermor Hesketh medal 5000 13 years 22 days ago
Jake Goodhall: "I think you honestly thought you were trying to help make things better but ended up making enemies."
He made it better! It never was a "threat" against the idea itself.
Now he made the "making better" better. :-)

DeadMan Walking medal 5000 13 years 22 days ago
Thank you, Jack. It's highly welcome in my league!

Mark Rayner medal 5000 13 years 4 days ago
My leauge started on 28 Jan 2012; if I take away the promotion now (1 race to go) will that still take effect because the season started before Jack made the change?
We are a pw protect leauge with 18 people, so don't want to be split up.... (all happy as rookies)
I didn't realise the impact of the promotion when I first made the leauge (+ didn't have over 12 people at that stage)

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 4 days ago
As host, you can disable promotion and relegation zones. The change will take immediate effect and everyone in the league will be mailed notice.
The changes being discussed in this thread are unrelated to the hosts ability to activate or deactivate the zones (despite the title).