Lee Taylor medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
I'm having a similar issue with my league. We've been given a new set of qualifying results, but the results from yesterday also stand.
http://gyazo.com/a57e69cf705f27b19a0d710f38b0a230 old results
http://gyazo.com/552e10f1c3b010029088abd07f5adcf1 most recent qualifying results

Andy Manning medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Well it seems the race did reset correctly and todays result stands. The qualifying is an annoyance though, maybe you should look at the way the races are reset cos this by no means is the 1st time.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Andrew, it's not a straightforward process unfortunately & when there are so many to deal with it is easy to make a mistake. We should be getting it right though & doing it right the first time. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Lee, what would you like done? Do you want a proper reset for the next race time?

Lee Taylor medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
A proper reset doesn't feel necessary. The race ran smoothly and everyone will eventually get bored of repeating malaysia again. Thanks for the offer though.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Sorry about this. I missed some details while resetting the races yesterday. I've now adjusted some caching mechanisms to stop this mixup happening again even if we do need to reschedule races.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 11 years 149 days ago
For anyone racing right now you may have experienced a further interruption. This was not caused by us, but rather the datacenter / server management team were carrying out some work on the server. The races are running once again.