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Re-balancing today

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medal 5000
8 years 171 days ago

This is what Andi G was saying but the drivers where unemployed from 23/08/ to 04/09
medal 5000
8 years 171 days ago
To date, whenever someone has said another driver has excess levels, it turns out to be only 3 or 4 skills at that level, but the overall is still in line with the manager level.

Well, not in this case. Look at the links provided by James.

Also one lvl 14 in this league has those drivers:

lvl 17 with actually not a single skill under 16

lvl 15 so maybe in the margin's you described, but he is still 1 lvl higher then the manager lvl, which shouldn't be possibel (yet) as far as I understood it

medal 5000
8 years 170 days ago
well in my league there is a level 4 manager with a level 11 driver
medal 5088
8 years 170 days ago
That looks like an account somebody created to exploit bugs hahaha, it's been non-existent in the old iGP.
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