dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 144 days ago (edited 8 years 143 days ago)
i'll race at singapore today.
i'm testing crazy setups in practice laps. i put more wings but, i found more strange the results after changing the suspension. Soft suspension is what driver wants but check this.
both on the same push level but neutral suspension is faster. and damn, i have no more laps to test :(
(maybe heath went +5 between practice laps but it's almost imposible)
i think i'll try racing the same wings on both cars but soft suspension on one and neutral the other one.
i'll be back after the race.
[edit after race] the one on ideal suspension was better but i think driver stamina helped. as a test, didn't confirm what i though. maybe just 2 laps in practice is not enough to confirm that neutral suspension is better than the ideal for this track, soft.
but, i guess you already know all of this :P and has nothing to do with the real problem.
hope you find it, is killing the mood