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no-setup is faster. at least is not slower at all.

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medal 5000
8 years 147 days ago
So, for tomorrows race, should I revert my cars to the 25/25 setup if no fix is made before then (I'm assuming there will be info here if fixed)? Or is the bug only working if you never make the adjustments to the setup in the first place? :)
medal 5000
8 years 146 days ago
Running without setup or strategy right now at Spain. Winning by over 20 seconds gap. The bug is still there.
medal 5000
8 years 146 days ago
Yeah, not going to make setup for Wednesdays race unless someone confirms that the bug is gone :). Just going to try to get the "advantage".
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
Any word on this, kind of matters for people who have races coming :)?
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 145 days ago
We will make an announcement when there is something to say, at the moment there is nothing to say because we haven't done any work on it. If we are ever not talking about something you can be confident it hasn't been addressed.

First we have to understand what is going on, and that requires the simulator to be investigated. That won't start until tomorrow.
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
yes guys, let's be patient. they did understand there is a something going wrong but, they are just 3 guys making the game better for us.

medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
Understood, just wanted to be sure if I should or should not make setups :).
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
This is my #1 priority at the moment.
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
@Jack, i dont think this is happening on every track, but i'm sure Spain is one of those. ;)
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
and Turkey confirmed. another.
medal 5416 CEO & CTO
8 years 145 days ago
Germany also had strange results in practice for me. Germany was a track where the setup didn't seem to make a big difference to the practice lap times on my team. Has anyone else seen anything like that?
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
On Germany, I don't know about setup, but in the race itself a team with no setup was about a second per lap faster than comparable/better drivers.
medal 5320
8 years 145 days ago
I'm running a test season with 2 teams. New drivers who are pretty much equal, no driver training, no dev points spent so cars are identical, new parts and new engines for all cars every race. All drivers on same fuel/tyre/push/strategy.

In Spain 1 driver from each team did no setup or practice laps, the other drivers spent tokens for ideal setup.

Result was a win for a token driver but 2nd 3rd were drivers with no setup the other token driver came in 4th. End of race gaps were 0 - 0.4 - 3.9 - 6.4 Race distance was 75%. (finishing positions same as qualifying)

No way of telling how much drs/pit stacking and kers played a part but my impression from this and other variations I've run is the setup system is somewhat more random than I would have expected (maybe setup has less effect for low level drivers as a balancing measure?)

Results for china, No setup 1st and 2nd setup 3rd, token 4th gaps were 0 - 14 - 15 - 23.

Looking on the bright side, you can't buy a better setup with tokens :-)
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
so no set ups is better than set ups, wow.

kinda makes playing pointless for now......
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
it seems to depend on track to track at the moment
medal 5000
8 years 144 days ago (edited 8 years 143 days ago)
i'll race at singapore today.
i'm testing crazy setups in practice laps. i put more wings but, i found more strange the results after changing the suspension. Soft suspension is what driver wants but check this.

both on the same push level but neutral suspension is faster. and damn, i have no more laps to test :(
(maybe heath went +5 between practice laps but it's almost imposible)
i think i'll try racing the same wings on both cars but soft suspension on one and neutral the other one.
i'll be back after the race.

[edit after race] the one on ideal suspension was better but i think driver stamina helped. as a test, didn't confirm what i though. maybe just 2 laps in practice is not enough to confirm that neutral suspension is better than the ideal for this track, soft.
but, i guess you already know all of this :P and has nothing to do with the real problem.
hope you find it, is killing the mood

medal 5000
8 years 143 days ago
well, i guess i have the same issue in the everyday50 league rookie class:

from the last 6 races i lost 5 races where the Lion Racing Team made no setup. i've won the race, where he did the setup.
medal 5000
8 years 143 days ago
Yeah, everyday league elite just saw the same in the wet. Zoso haven't been close to winning a race this season. They blew the field away after no practice laps were done.
medal 5000
8 years 143 days ago
they'll be back when they find the solution, guys. they are working on it for sure, i think this is a tough one, but they will fix it ;)
medal 5000
8 years 143 days ago
its me again, with my 2nd account:

MJL League Rookie Class:

qualifying results: from the top 9 quailfy times were 8 without a setup. Only Sneaky was between them, with Soft tyres.

malaysian gp:
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