John Doe medal 5000 2 years 356 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 2 years 356 days ago)
I have read the whole discussion and believe that: It is indecent to read so many untrue things in order to defend a game that continues to have a large number of problems and that you don't seem to want to fix. It is indecent to read that racing in the wet is fun, when in reality it has always been a bore and thrust overtaking is non-existent. It is indecent to see I tires going the same way as the S on a totally dry track. It is indecent to see, first tall male pilots qualify better than the short ones, and then female pilots of any height qualify damn better than the males because of the 5 kg less. It is indecent to say that the problem has been "blocked", but in reality it does not seem that way. It is indecent to read that we must not complain because the game is free and that we have to keep the bugs, know that it is not the only free game around and that I have never seen so many bugs like in this one; and if one complains on the forum he does it to try to improve what is wrong and certainly not to kill him, but you don't seem to care, you entrench yourself behind the free game, you think you are always right even when you are rotten wrong, in my part it is said to have blinders. It is indecent to say: if you like it it is so otherwise you can also uninstall! (eh no, too easy that way) Last thing: it is indecent to see you lie knowing that you are lying only to try to get into the good graces of those above you. All this can be summed up in one word, but I think you already know what it is: INDECENT!
Lol what makes you think ONLY your opinion is valid. Stop acting like a child and grow up
Because this is not the opinion of only one person...there are a lot of players that think the same...
It will be a good beginning of you understanding that IGP is taking a wrong direction and you ahve not to give us politica answer like:
"The game is free" " this game is thinked for online players" and so on...
Sorry Simone but again there is this view that only you and your friends opinion counts. This whole thread is full of similar posts and now you make sweeping suggestions such as “a good beginning you understand that iGP is taking a wrong direction”.
You don’t know me and what I believe and clearly you haven’t read any of my previous posts criticising some of the issues with the current game or my thread about iGP needing to quickly revise their Roadmap. Everyone has different opinions and I understand that, but all this arrogance about one view being the only correct view is laughable.
And nowhere have I said anything about this game is free etc. The only comments I made was about wet races and the fact I enjoy them (there are a different tactical challenge especially when the removal dirty made live races even more of a DRS train than they were previously). If I thought the game had no issues I would racing live instead all my accounts being in offline leagues.
Sincerly, i didn't offend you but you are offending me , because you consider personal to you what I wrote:
Almost everytime I wrote in the forum.. I received arrogant answer by mods and everytime the arrogant for mods is me....
You have to think that if you are the mod, you have to be polite and try to not bring players to be angry for a game.
There are a lot of problems in the world and IGP is certanly not the first!
So if someone tells you that there is something wrong, you have to understand his position before to give a sentence!
Now you have one of IGP players that love "crazy weather race", but I can assure you that I met a big quantity of players that considered boring wet race!
For having a pleasured wet race , I had to try a double compound race....but was crazy!