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medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago
If we have some improvements (or translation bugs to report) schould we put it here or on your e-mail?
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago
put it here :) sow we dont repeat the same  error
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
13 years 73 days ago
If you did the translation and have a new file, then just email it. But if you are not translating it but have some feedback, post it here.

EDIT: FYI to see updates to a translation if you already are using it, you need to select English, Press F5 to refresh, then select your language again, and the new translation file will be loaded in to your cache. The translation is stored in your browser from the moment you choose it, so the translation is instant when you load the page.

I\'ll put this along with more info in the OP too.
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago (edited 13 years 73 days ago)
Can I post some wrong translations I\'ve found here? Or something that haven\'t been translated at all?

EDIT: I see that I should post feedback here, but it seems like lots of things aren\'t translated for the Dutch language. I also noted some wrong translations.
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago
Jack, I put all my Romanian translation with lower letters, because the words in English were the same. But it doesn\'t look good and even in English the key words and menus start with capital letters. I suggest this to be changed in Romanian version as well.

On another note, some words were missing from the translation, like \"at\" (which is \"la\" in Romanian). This should be corrected. Some translation sounds (as expected) funny and it requires a proper replacement. Even I, as a native speaker, have trouble understanding at times. That\'s because (as probably in many languages as well), we use key English terms, even when we are speaking in Romanian.
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago (edited 13 years 73 days ago)
Can I post some wrong translations I\'ve found here? Or something that haven\'t been translated at all?

EDIT: I see that I should post feedback here, but it seems like lots of things aren\'t translated for the Dutch language. I also noted some wrong translations.

I don\'t think it\'s the intention to translate everything, though I agree some more things should be translated. (to have more consistency) Now some pages have the same word in 2 languages, which is a bit confusing.

But feel free to post some improvements for the Dutch translation, I have changed some things locally already(Herinneringen/Pensioneringen bijv.) and will send an updated version later. So the more feedback there is the better it will be.
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago
The french language not updated ?

i resend you the file : french_0.2.txt
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago

Can I post some wrong translations I\'ve found here? Or something that haven\'t been translated at all?

EDIT: I see that I should post feedback here, but it seems like lots of things aren\'t translated for the Dutch language. I also noted some wrong translations.

I don\'t think it\'s the intention to translate everything, though I agree some more things should be translated. (to have more consistency) Now some pages have the same word in 2 languages, which is a bit confusing.

But feel free to post some improvements for the Dutch translation, I have changed some things locally already(Herinneringen/Pensioneringen bijv.) and will send an updated version later. So the more feedback there is the better it will be.

Het is \'Ronden\' ipv, \'rondes\' en zo kwam ik ook al actief aan tegen geloof ik,
dit zou actief tot moeten zijn (coureurslijst / staflijst)
De sessie \'Oefening\' zou je beter kunnen noemen naar \'Vrije Training\' of gewoon \'Training\'
Bij partners is \'Suppliers\' niet vertaald naar \'Leveranciers\', verder zou ik bij de fuel-supplier het woord \'brandstoffen\' veranderen naar enkelvoud, gezien het feit dat er maar 1 soort \'brandstof\' wordt geleverd ;)

I do want to note that way too many things are still untranslated. The Activities stuff like \'Contract ended, signed contract\' in the latest news and/or recent activities. Contracts expiring dates, 6 races left (Untranslated) time stamps: 4 days ago (Untranslated) should be translated for increased gameplay experience in Dutch!
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago


Het is \'Ronden\' ipv, \'rondes\' en zo kwam ik ook al actief aan tegen geloof ik,

dit zou actief tot moeten zijn (coureurslijst / staflijst)

De sessie \'Oefening\' zou je beter kunnen noemen naar \'Vrije Training\' of gewoon \'Training\'

Bij partners is \'Suppliers\' niet vertaald naar \'Leveranciers\', verder zou ik bij de fuel-supplier het woord \'brandstoffen\' veranderen naar enkelvoud, gezien het feit dat er maar 1 soort \'brandstof\' wordt geleverd ;)


I do want to note that way too many things are still untranslated. The Activities stuff like \'Contract ended, signed contract\' in the latest news and/or recent activities. Contracts expiring dates, 6 races left (Untranslated) time stamps: 4 days ago (Untranslated) should be translated for increased gameplay experience in Dutch!

Ronden heb ik aangepast, net als oefening. Suppliers kan (nog) niet vertaald worden... en brandstoffen klinkt inderdaad wat raar, maar er zijn wel degelijk verschillende leveranciers (ook al is branfstof brandstof). Ik heb de neiging om die dus te laten zoals het is.. maar als anderen ook een mening hebben laat het vooral horen.
medal 5000
13 years 73 days ago
DUTCH: Het kan wel allebei, daar niet van, maar in mijn opzichte zou brandstof beter staan aangezien je er maar 1 gebruikt :P
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
13 years 73 days ago
In response to the request for basically everything to be translated: At the moment I just want the key navigation elements (menus, headings, key words, table headings etc.) to be translated. It would be a truly monumental undertaking for the translators to do more than this, it\'s already a huge file with lots of translating to do. The aim of this first version is to make the game easy to navigate.

Jack, I put all my Romanian translation with lower letters, because the words in English were the same. But it doesn\'t look good and even in English the key words and menus start with capital letters. I suggest this to be changed in Romanian version as well.

On another note, some words were missing from the translation, like \"at\" (which is \"la\" in Romanian). This should be corrected. Some translation sounds (as expected) funny and it requires a proper replacement. Even I, as a native speaker, have trouble understanding at times. That\'s because (as probably in many languages as well), we use key English terms, even when we are speaking in Romanian.

If you could point me to exactly where erroneous phrases are I will include them in a later version of the translation system.

Also, if you want to capitalize the letters and make some corrections, do so and send it back I will upload the new file.

I was originally going to copy capitalization from English to the translated language, but I learned in some languages (like German) the subject of the phrase can be capitalized whilst the first word is lower case, so it would be wrong for me to force it.
medal 5000
13 years 72 days ago
I have revised the Danish translation, and send a new file :)
medal 5000
13 years 72 days ago
For french language, the menu League--> previous race is to long for the design so the translation is in two lines.

what can i do ? search another translation or you check the website desing ?

medal 5000
13 years 72 days ago
If still possible, I\'d like to help with the german translation. I just looked into the current one and unfortunately found quite some spelling mistakes and wrong translations. As I have some experience with translations (subbed Animes for some time :D ) I might be of help here.

Another thing I\'ve seen... don\'t know if it\'s already been mentioned, but the dropdown menus should be dynamic according to the length of text. Especially german words or descriptions tend to be way longer than english ones, which leads to ugly line wraps in the middle of a word.
medal 5000
13 years 72 days ago (edited 13 years 72 days ago)
I have an idea. Instead of people from the same nationality trying to improve one translation or another, thinking they could do better, how about people from the same country collaborate and do a single translation approved by everyone from the same country. I mean, more brains could work better. I am not happy of my translation and will try to improve it. Just a thought.

I also resent the Romanian translation, replacing words with ones in capital letters and replacing some out-of-place words with better ones.
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
13 years 71 days ago
Thanks for the updated translations guys. I have just uploaded the new translations for: Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian

See OP for how to load in the latest translation file if you are already set to these languages.
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
13 years 69 days ago
Added Maltese translation.
medal 5000
13 years 69 days ago
It\'s translating the topic line, in the forum:

\"Tid does not count down Modtager the Næste løb\"

This must be Denlish ;)
medal 5000
13 years 69 days ago
Jack, remember that Rules in spanish language are ready and updated to post.
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
13 years 66 days ago
We\'re still waiting for the following translations, if anyone can do them please post here.
Bosnian, Czech, Greek, Montenegrin, Norweigan, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish.

Jack, remember that Rules in spanish language are ready and updated to post.

It took a while to convert it to the correct HTML and come up with an idea of how to load it in, but it\'s done:

If you have Spanish selected it will load in the rules in Spanish. If anyone else wants to translate a document like the rules please contact me first, and then we can give you better access to edit it.
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