The new iGP Manager is almost here

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 11:50

It has been a very busy time for us since the last blog. We’ve been making great progress on the iGP Manager closed beta, and are eager to get the open beta testing going as soon as possible. The feedback from the testers involved so far has been overwhelmingly positive. We know many of you are excited and looking forward to your chance to play the new game.

Becoming a father

First though, I’d like to take a moment to express my joy at becoming a father! My first child was born recently, a boy, and we’ve named him Thor (that's him, to the right). If you're outside Scandinavia, Thor is actually quite a common name here in Norway, where we’re currently living. I was initially inspired to name him Thor after watching the movie Kon-Tiki, the true story of an expedition across the Pacific Ocean by raft, led by Thor Heyerdahl. The movie is well worth a watch and I hear the book is a great read too. Of course, there is the awesome Marvel Thor as well, which may or may not have played a factor in the naming…

The birth and becoming a dad was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I cried almost as much as the baby when he finally arrived. It’s something you can’t put in to words.

iGP Manager: Open beta news

That said, you’re here for news about the new iGP Manager and wondering when it’s going to arrive, aren’t you? Needless to say the birth set me back a little bit, and we found a lot of improvements during closed beta testing. We’ve been working on those while adding some stuff in preparation for the open beta and eventual live launch.

One project which we decided to bring forward is to migrate the entire service to a better server setup, which we will use for the open beta and live launch. This is not a small task, and you may remember such upgrades from the past, making the stability and latency of the service much better. This time, it has more to do with scaling; ensuring that the service can scale when we get to the app stores in particular. These are essential technical updates which don’t impact gameplay, but which need to be done before we can consider an app launch.

This server migration was originally planned for after the live web launch, but we decided to bring it forward to before open beta testing, so that we can get our teeth in to the new setup and familiarise ourselves with it during testing. All things considered, this means we’ll need to launch the open beta sometime around mid-April. It's a couple of weeks further, but it is a relatively minor delay considering everything involved. I feel comfortable that it will be worth the wait.

By getting all of the technical challenges out of the way now, we’ll be able to focus on new features and content when the game is finished, with less chance of being slowed down by red tape and technical work. That’s something I think everyone will appreciate.


iGP Developer Blog

The latest news about technical and gameplay developments on iGP Manager
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James Pinsker 8 years 338 days ago
IK, but it is painful and completely depletes the point in USING other suppliers
Jamie R 8 years 339 days ago
@James re Tifosi. Of course it should effecting qualifying? Otherwise whats the point of having different suppliers. IRL the engine you have in the race is the one that you had in qauli, good, bad or HONDA :P
Dinos Dino 8 years 339 days ago
Best thing ever happened in your life man! Congrats!
Micheal Dack 8 years 341 days ago
Congrats on the child! That is the best news!
James Pinsker 8 years 346 days ago
One thing I need to ask for the life of me; DOES YOUR SUPPLIERS AFFECT QUALIFYING?

Please say no, for the last 3 seasons I've been crying with Tifosi :(
James Greer 8 years 347 days ago
Season Mode in the new iGP I think the suppliers will be locked in place until the end of the championship.

Quick Race you can chop and change as much as you want for each circuit. But that's coming at much later date.

I'm looking forward to it daily season race as normal and then being able to race at anytime outside the season :)
James Pinsker 8 years 348 days ago
Can't we keep the old iGP on different sections and play that too? So I can actually win something when nobodies left xD
James Greer 8 years 349 days ago
You say you are moving the entire service!!! why not keep the forums and old iGP on 1 and just have the new server for running the app and new iGP.

After the lunch of the new iGP you can remove all the old iGP data & have only the forum pages running on it's own so as not to eat up space and memory of the new servers.
AdrianHerden Nurmoja 8 years 353 days ago
Way to go Jack, good future to Thor, and to iGPM!
Terry Goss 8 years 354 days ago
Congrats Jack on the birth of your baby boy!

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