New Circuit: Austria

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:13

Another day, another new circuit! Austria has been added, this time replacing the old Europe circuit on the calendar.

In order to maintain a sensible size on the calendar, as additional circuits are added they will replace older circuits. Eventually, we will introduce a custom calendar system which will allow league hosts to select the tracks they want to race on each season, but that is not in this update.

In testing: Advanced strategy improvements

Several weeks of hard work on improvements to advanced strategy, particularly around changeable weather before the start of a race, is now in testing. At this stage, it is being developed in conjunction with our beta tester team, which is made up of real managers from the iGP Manager community. We are collecting their feedback on the solutions we have implemented in order to prepare and refine the update for public release.


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Gabriel Miah 4 years 253 days ago
Gianluca Costa 5 years 108 days ago
Vic Me 5 years 150 days ago
Please new track, COTA
Andi Yanianto 5 years 151 days ago
Extra reward for quick race pls. Right now, quick race is mean “cost” for player, lost health, lost engine, and parts. Make it more interesting like give an extra skill point for driver or else.
Mr. Gabriel Ovalle 5 years 153 days ago
no me importaria pagar, pero pongan VSC o arrelen eso de que hay quienes exprimen mucho sus neumaticos sn revantar, haganlos que revieneten, y por favor, pongan a mexico en el calendario habemos muchos latinos y quisieramos ver alamneos un pista latina

Gunnar Acagi 5 years 156 days ago
Hello. I'm sorry to use this section for a different topic but I haven't found other solution, because there are some rumors but no evidence about the actual role the weight has related to the driver performance (and other aspects).

As there are other threads about this problem, I'm sure many users would like to have a final clarification. Here my thread where I expose my reasons:
Barba Negador 5 years 156 days ago
Great job.
John Doe 5 years 156 days ago
Extra point for fastest lap
Mihajlo Ugrenović 5 years 156 days ago
Idea: Design your own test track. For example: you could adjust the number of slow corners, high speed corners, straights etc... As a result, if I have more straight, acceleratation will be higher and the same for others...
Eddie Maestas 5 years 157 days ago
Add alliances so that two teams could team up and improve each other’s cars
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