New Circuit: Azerbaijan

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 17:21

It's time for the first circuit in iGP Manager to feature castle walls! The new Azerbaijan circuit will be included in all league schedules generated from this point onwards, and is available to race immediately in Quick Races.

As this is the last new circuit to launch before custom league schedules, we have opted not to remove or replace any old tracks this time. Malaysia would also have been the one to remove, and is a personal favourite of mine; I couldn't bring myself to remove it from the calendar! It's a circuit with really interesting strategic options.

Our intention was always to introduce custom league schedules after several new tracks were added, and that will come next.

Coming soon: custom league seasons

Soon, league hosts will be able to select the circuits that their league races on each season. The length of the season will also change optimal for gameplay balance. We are anticipating that it could be just 14 or 15 races per season in the final release.

Here are some reasons why 14 or 15 races are ideal:

  • Roughly, it makes two seasons per month for leagues racing daily
  • Design will be a challenge both at the beginning and end of the season, preventing maxed out attributes or equal cars starting the season
  • It's likely race participation will increase, as it's often clear who is competitive long before a season is over, leading many uncompetitive teams to "wait for the next season" to enage more in the races. The shorter seasons will hit the reset button more often, reducing the wait time.


Advanced strategy improvements rollout

As mentioned in my blog around the start of September, we have been working on improvements to advanced strategy. They are being released in two stages, the first of which is happening now, alongside this blog.

  1. The first stage, released tonight, improves AI behaviours and address bugs with them not respecting adavanced strategy. They will also prevent advanced strategy from "hijacking" the strategy during a race while the manager is attending. Once you are in the race viewer, you will be solely responsible for strategy, regardless of what you have set on advanced strategy.
  2. The second stage, coming with the next app update, likely to take a few weeks longer, will add the ability to change tyres before the start of a race when there are sudden changes in weather conditions.

Separate announcements will be made when each of the new features mentioned in this blog are released.


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Gabriel Miah 4 years 222 days ago
Jax Nexus 5 years 96 days ago
Please do not reduce the races to 14 or 15. We did a poll in our league and the votes were a majority of 100% for 18+ races
Levente Kocsis 5 years 96 days ago
Nice! When the USA, and Mexico come?
Weston Zoyland 5 years 97 days ago
Add COTA, it may not be the most interesting track but it has great DRS zones and good handling/ downforce corners. Really be able to have the difference in points show.
KONSTANTINOS KOLOVOS 5 years 98 days ago
Put USA and Mexico
joni burig 5 years 98 days ago
Hi jack why not belgia gp you have to remove,because it too short for full race duration and not challenged ,and not too tricky just for input why not mugello track you add in although its not f1 track but many have tricky corner and beautifull layout,for race
iGP Staff Jack Basford 5 years 103 days ago
Hi all, thanks for your feedback. I have offered clarifications on the advanced strategy update on the forum:
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Stephen Luczo 5 years 103 days ago
I didn’t want Russia or Azerbaijan? USA and Mexico should have been put in by now... and what is the point of shortening the season when you’ve added 5 new tracks? You may as well have not bothered. Unless this is strictly for customisable calendars? I personally think 20 races per season is perfect considering drivers and staff age a year every 20 league races etc. Just pick 20 circuits from the 22 that are available as well as including any future circuits. Hope that makes sense?
Mike Noon 5 years 105 days ago
Can it not be up to the host how many races there are? Personally, I really like the 19 race calendars and feel a reduction would be a step back for the game.
Alessio Mecozzi 5 years 105 days ago
Perché sui blog non c'è la traduzione in italiano ?
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