
By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 13:16

On the 27th January iGP's suppliers will release revised engines, tyres and fuel. This will shake up the order and is aimed at creating variety in the choices people make in which suppliers they select in-game. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on the forum regarding this idea, we have taken in all your feedback and will be doing our best to balance the update in such a way that there is more than one supplier for each component that can be used while remaining competitive.

Originally when iGP was developed I had intended for new engines, tyres and fuel to be released on a cyclical basis. This idea was later scrapped when we completely rebuilt the supply system and car attributes for the version 2 update. Unfortunately the release of that update has been postponed several times due to unforeseen circumstances. We hope that early this year we will be able to refocus our efforts on that project and get it released, as it is very near to completion.

In in the interim, we are also looking at other possibilities to spice up strategies. One idea is to have more dry tyre compounds, which will allow for much broader strategic choices, and switching to a new in-house weather system, creating more weather variety all year round. I will update you once we have more news on those developments.

This announcement is just to give all managers some forewarning of the coming changes. Be prepared to switch suppliers on the 27th of January to keep a competitive edge!


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Dave DVDCI 11 years 57 days ago
require use of both compounds please....
Ricky Buhl 11 years 58 days ago
Can't wait to see the new stats.. Will this then be updated on the afore-mentioned cyclical basis?
German Fomin 11 years 59 days ago
Will they be unbalanced? Because if someone is the best at everything, it's not fun.
José Galha 11 years 59 days ago
Very good news! :) I'll be waiting! :)
Mark Smith 11 years 59 days ago
With the thread title like that, are you fans of Wierd Al Yankovic's film 'UHF'?
César Pasini 11 years 59 days ago
Good News.
Matthew Fraser 11 years 60 days ago
looks like a better make some new teams like everyone else so i can get a heads up on wot stats are wot
David Seward 11 years 60 days ago
Donelots here I come!!!
Tony Earl 11 years 60 days ago
Nice one.

Look forward to seeing how the changes affect racing and prepared to relearn again
Jake Goodhall 11 years 60 days ago
I am looking forward to more challenging negotiations!
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