Hard tyre performance update

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:28

After a couple of weeks of racing on the live site with the new tyres, we've heard your suggestion that the Hard tyre needed improved performance to be a competitive choice. As a result, the performance of the Hard tyre has been improved conservatively at this stage, such that it should be a viable choice in more race situations.

In other news, the "giant cars" glitch has been completely eradicated once and for all. We thought all instances of this had been removed, but there were still a couple of cases. Sean Riley requested a screenshot of this on the forum, as I promised it was a funny glitch. Here you go!

We had hoped to launch an update to fix a glitch in the Monaco pit lane which means there is no speed limit on entry. Unfortunately we were not able to do this as planned, and are awaiting some required information to complete the update. There is no ETA on when we will have this information, but I will keep you posted on when it is released.

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Jose Hosay 10 years 212 days ago
Okay thanks!
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