Progress report and 2015 gameplay updates

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 16:41

2014 - Service improvements (better latency, more uptime)

The remainder of 2014 is being spent almost exclusively on improving the service quality, targeting latency and uptime in particular. This week I launched several improvements to increase uptime. Aimed at addressing one of the fundamental causes of "connection problem" errors, uptime has been 100% since it went live.

Chris, our simulator developer, is working on improvements in latency which will greatly decrease (hopefully eliminate) high pings. The most obvious symptom of this is cars warping around the track in a rewind/fast forward motion. I will also be focusing on this task too. This is a critical update because we have identified this as a bottleneck in the service. We anticipate the fix for this to be released in Q4 this year. 

Finishing these updates will mean we can refocus on gameplay updates in a way like we haven't been able to until now. This should mean that 2015 is the year of gameplay updates... lots of them.

2015 - Version 2 (and a new league system?)

For 2015 we will refocus all our energy on gameplay updates. After the recent survey (thanks to everyone who has responded) we have a clear direction on what features you want to see. The version 2 release will come first, which will increase the amount of paths that can be taken to achieve a certain outcome. For example, suppliers and car design will operate totally differently, and be much easier to understand. Each season, and each race, should throw up unique challenges which will benefit some cars over others, just like in F1, where a race with low engine demands lets teams with good aerodynamics shine, and vice versa.

If you've been around for a while and wondered where the gameplay updates have been, I understand your skepticism. But I will be writing a follow-up blog this week detailing why things are different now, and what has changed behind the scenes at iGP in 2014.

Since many ex-members have expressed that it was hard to fit a schedule in around their life, we're considering completely reworking the league system. It would allow you to race any time, any day, as much as you like, rather than being restricted to a league schedule. It would mean breaking up the current league system, but the benefits could outweigh the setbacks. It would also open the door to a pinnacle league and better casual racing as well. Let us know if you like the sound of this in the comments. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment with those too.

And of course, the bane of our existence: the Java platform. We really want to make 2015 the year we scrap Java for the race viewers. Can we get an amen?

Seeing a Black or Grey screen in the viewer?

Take this survey/guide which will walk you though the most common solution to repair blank screen issues. If for any reason the issue is still not resolved, please post your console log in the area provided at the end of the survey (instructions are provided on how to do this too).

Launch the survey & repair guide


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jordan scavo 10 years 148 days ago
I'm very stoked about the potential changes for Version 2.

I'm curious about how a different league system would work. How would it be possible to complete a season with the same competitors if everyone is jumping around? Or perhaps we could have a dual system: regular leagues with full season runs for those that would prefer it, and casual races that run each hour or so that managers can take part in at any time.
Alex Sal 10 years 148 days ago
I''m a newcomer in IGP Manager, and i find it awesome in general terms. By far the best available in its kind, and there are many !

Nevertheless, i believe a new League system could improve it.

Specially for those that inspite the offer of different timings and days for races throughout the different leagues available, cannot find none that allows them to attend all races in their championship. (and that includes me, but i'm an inexperient rookie).

Keep on the great job you've been doing.
Yunus Unia Blunion 10 years 148 days ago
I'd like to see the development of a new league system after Version2 is released.

I'd also like to see leagues where hosts can allow or ban refueling in the pits and control the maximum or minimum number of tire compounds used in a race.

I, as well as others, am hoping there will be more realistic additions to the game to keep thing interesting as we level up. Level 10 is a long way off though!
iGP Staff Jack Basford 10 years 149 days ago
Thanks Robert, we're definitely interested in any help we can get. If you could send me an email from the Contact page (see: Contact Us in the footer) I'll discuss it with you there. :)
Robert Ivaniszyn 10 years 149 days ago
I'm a developer looking for work/experience/a fun project. Any way I can get involved. I also know someone whom knows Unity, maybe we could drag him in?
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