iOS update out now. New car & circuit coming.

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 11:31

We’ve just released a major update to all iPhones and iPads on iOS 8+. You’ll instantly notice a more responsive interface and crisp high-definition map images that really pop on the Apple retina screens. It transforms the experience of iGP Manager on these devices, and you can see and feel the difference immediately.

Android has also just received a patch fixing any issues we discovered since the update released over a week ago. The new iOS update also includes all of these fixes along with the new features.

In development: Updated circuits. New car. Better tutorials.

As we’ve alluded to in recent blogs and commentary, with the recent updates we’ve been re-engineering the system to handle new tracks and updated circuit layouts. We're excited to announce that we expect to release the first track to iGP Manager for many years in May!

Work continues on the 2018 car shape for iGP Manager which we hope to release in March.

We’re also working on better tutorials for new players and daily rewards for existing players, which we hope to release in April.


iGP Developer Blog

The latest news about technical and gameplay developments on iGP Manager
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Adam Murphy 6 years 353 days ago
@ Chris tones look up the definition of a pilot in the dictionary. Is it called the pilots it's the drivers championship. End off
Martin Steptoe 6 years 353 days ago
iPhone X you can no longer see how many tokens you have and you have to go to finance tab to see your cash. Would be great if that can be fixed. First race with the upgraded app tomorrow so hopefully no functionality issues during the race.

Keep it up though. A great game.
Lewis Hinds 6 years 353 days ago
Nice update hope there is more

Gabor Szalai 6 years 353 days ago
And maybe you can add a helmet to the cars,and we can choose the color of the helmet
Gabor Szalai 6 years 353 days ago
And work on the chat system pls :)
Gabor Szalai 6 years 353 days ago
You can add some kind of safety car time to the game too
Pachi_13 Vivar 6 years 353 days ago
Bob Builder 6 years 353 days ago
Still, the tyre performance issues are the most frustrating. How can a Hard Tyre even perform at all in low temps. Also how can a SS that is totally overtemp not wear much faster than a tyre in good temp. This is where the upgrades are needed. It getting to the point that a H,H strategy is used at more than 50% of the tracks regardless of the temp.
Roland Darabont 6 years 353 days ago
Iphone X bug on the app,pls fix it!
Chris 'Iceman' Tones 6 years 353 days ago
Still some issue with freezing and load times but otherwise keep up the good work.

@ Adam. Piloting is an expression of doing something relating to control and navigation. F1 cars have a cockpit like a plane, and also have wings. Do pilot whales fly? Pilot tugs in a port pulling ships around.. do they fly? F1 drivers are also known as pilots.

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