iGP Manager: Quick Races Introduction

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:34

Quick Race mode is now available in iGP Manager! Access this brand-new feature via the Quick Race button on the home page. You will notice that this developer blog is also more of a developer vlog, part of a new series we’re working on. Check the video / vlog below where I demonstrate and explain Quick Races.

Note: Quick Race features and options will expand with future updates. This is only the beginning of a totally new way to play iGP Manager.

A second note to iOS managers: We're aware that some French, Hungarian, Portuguese and Russian managers have been unable to launch the new update. We're working on a fix, but if this happens, set the language of iOS to English (the operating system, not the app). This allow you to launch the app until we release a hotfix. It is not necessary to change the language of the game, and you can continue to play with the full translation. More info on the forum here: https://igpmanager.com/forum-thread/24204


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Pinoginodino Stordito 5 years 256 days ago
Non riesco ad effettuare una gara veloce se non con il primo pilota cioe' vorrei fare una gara veloce usando il secondo o il terzo pilota .e'possibile?mi potete aiutare?
Fynn Schramm 5 years 256 days ago
Nice new game mode
Andrew Mah 5 years 256 days ago
Can we choose which car/driver runs in the quick race?
こふじ こふじ 5 years 256 days ago
It would be nice if we will get reward by token in quick race.
Sascha Schmidt 5 years 256 days ago
hello together. It would be nice if you could switchen during the race through the lineup to see what lap times the other competitors drive.
Elie Sarkis 5 years 257 days ago
Great hard work guys, looking forward to new features and to have a true qualifying session, that random isn't acceptable. Also the players who don't have points, we still have have problem how they are sorted, it's not counting there best position finished so who demoted are randomly taken for who don't gain points, hope that to be fixed.<br>
Thank you, <br>
Elie Sarkis, Full Force Formula league host
Tom Benfo 5 years 257 days ago
Non capisco perché mi continua a lasciare il bottone rosso per entrare nella live dopo un giorno dalla gara veloce.... In questo modo non posso accedere ad altre gare veloci perché mi dice che sto già correndone un'altra
Liuk Shumi 5 years 257 days ago
L’auto si consuma e la stanchezza del pilota cala..non ci si guadagna solo in pt exp.
Roger Hometown 5 years 257 days ago
It's nice but a bit quiet for me. Maybe you can add automatic word for public lobby chat. Like, &quot;Hi&quot;, &quot;Nice strategy&quot;, &quot;Good game&quot;, &quot;Well done&quot;, &quot;Thanks&quot;, &quot;It's rain now!&quot;, &quot;Oh my luck!!&quot; etc
Manuel Ross 5 years 257 days ago
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