The Mega Mexico update: New Shop, Custom Calendars and Mexico!

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:06

This is the biggest update to iGP Manager since the introduction of Quick Races.

New Custom Calendars!

One of the most popular feature requests we’ve had over the years is now here! Custom calendars allow league hosts to choose what circuits their league will race on each season, and in which order.

At launch there are a total of 24 circuits to choose from, with league hosts customising and creating their own ideal 15 race season.* The new default calendar is randomly generated every season, throwing interesting design challenges and surprises to the managers, spicing up the racing.

New Shop!

Introducing the brand-new Shop, with daily deals and rewards already included, soon we will release a range of exclusive special offers. Be sure to check back regularly and to download app updates to get early access to the latest special offers as they arrive.

New Circuit: Mexico

The list of circuits in iGP Manager just keeps on growing, and now Mexico has been added, just in time for the Mexican Grand Prix weekend. We hope you’ll enjoy the fun features of this circuit, such as the unique stadium section.

Teamwork and Community

These updates and the breakneck speed of development recently has been the culmination of years of hard work by the whole team to get us to this point. I have to thank the whole team for their efforts and I must also thank the community for your continued support of iGP Manager. Especially if you’ve purchased any items in the game, thank you, as you are helping to fund all of this development and more that is to come. We have no intention of slowing down, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Custom Calendar FAQ

 * League hosts may change the calendar as often as they like, but the changes will only apply when a new season is generated. At this time, you must create a custom calendar before the season is generated in order for it to be applied. It will not alter seasons that are already generated.

How do I change the calendar schedule?

If you are the league host, go to the 'League' page > 'Edit league' > 'Schedule' > 'Circuit selection'. Here you will be presented with a list of circuits which you can modify.

Can I change the calendar length?

Not at this time, but I have opened a vote on this on Twitter. We have good reasons for locking it to 15 races: shorter seasons ensure designs do not 'max out' before the season is over, increasing intrigue and interest in car development. They also increase player retention for leagues and reduce churn and the active management sometimes required from league hosts. If leagues were to have different season lengths on a regular basis, it would potentially 'corrupt' the Hall of Fame, as leagues with longer seasons would have less breaks (and earn more XP as a result), or managers dominating a league with a short season could also win championships more often than other players. When it is fixed in length none of these factors come in to play.

Is it possible to go back to the old calendar?

Kind of... while you can't fully re-create the original 17 race season, you can rebuild it, minus your two least favorite tracks, by using the custom calendar builder.

When will these changes impact my league?

As soon as the current season ends and the next season is generated.

How often can I change the calendar?

As often as you like, even during the last race of the season, but it will only generate once, at the moment the season ends and a new one begins.


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Jeferson Rocha 5 years 129 days ago
Delly Hamilton 5 years 129 days ago
Apa yg penting di upgrade utk mobil..
Elie Sarkis 5 years 129 days ago
Why 15 races??!! We need all the circuits
Todd Wright 5 years 129 days ago
Love the changes. But one quick point about one of the reasons why it's cuerently locked to 15. You had mentioned that the shorter or longer season could corrupt the hall of fame as some leagues andanagers would be racing more than others. We do already get that though in the fact that league managers can choose which days to race. Choose a full 7 days per week and you're through a league in just over 2 weeks, but one that takes Sat/Sunday off takes 3 weeks to get through.
Manu Silla 5 years 129 days ago
Perché solo 15 gare?
Donnie Darwin 5 years 129 days ago
Been looking at the scheduling system and really need to know; If you select random is it then a random running order of the 15 circuits you’ve selected or from all 24 available circuits?
John Doe 5 years 129 days ago
It is wonderful to receive this circuit, but what is the use of currently having 24 circuits if we can only use 15? they must work in the qualy system, new suppliers to obtain more design variants and without a doubt add the "reset" setting at the beginning of each season to start who wants it with minimum values in the cars or at least change the 2.5 of design per race at 1 or 0.5 ... that way we could have 24-race championships ... forget about the Hall of Fame
Miroslav Nikotic 5 years 129 days ago
Forget about this for a second..What this game need is more variables..In races,set ups,sponsors etc..It need to be more complex..its too easy...After the race,you need only 2 min to set up everything for the next race..And that includes,set up,strategy,driver training,upgrading cars and EVERYTHING else is done in less than 2 minutes.. In our league,we have agrrement for 2 tyres rule per race...That must be in the game,otherwise everyone runing with 3 stops on strategy,no nothing.boring
Jefferson Santos 5 years 130 days ago
Gostaria que continuasse com as 17 corridas mais com a opção de mudar os circuitos
Arrows Supertec 5 years 130 days ago
komm rein und finde es heraus Original F1
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